

 R&D Unit funded by



Pratas, Fernanda. 2021. The expression of temporal meaning in Caboverdean. Berlin: De Gruyter.


Pratas, Fernanda. 2021. Temporal marking and (in)accessibility in Capeverdean. Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2018 (selected papers). 226-247. Amsterdam: John Benjamins - Current Issues in Linguistic Theory series. (pdf)

Pratas, Fernanda. 2019. New paths of contact and variation: background and design for a future study of Capeverdean in New England. Journal of Ibero-Romance Creoles 9.1, 225-250. ISSN 2184-5360 (pdf)

Pratas, Fernanda. 2018. Progressive forms and meanings: the curious case of Capeverdean. Estudos de Lingüistica Galega 10: 103-128. DOI (pdf)

Pratas, Fernanda. 2018. Elements of denial in Capeverdean: the negator ka and the properties of n-words. In Deprez, Viviane & Fabiola Henri (eds) Negation and Negative dependencies in Creole languages. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, Creole Language Library, 191-209. (pdf)

Pratas, Fernanda. 2018. Contacto e variação em cabo-verdiano: uma questão de tempo. In Ernestina Carrilho, Ana Maria Martins, Sandra Pereira e João Paulo Silvestre (eds), Estudos Linguísticos e Filológicos Oferecidos a Ivo Castro, 1213-1238. Lisboa: Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa. Ebook. (pdf)


Hagemeijer, T., C. Truppi, F. Pratas, H. C. Cardoso & N. Alexandre (eds.). 2019. Lives in contact: A tribute to nine fellow creolinguists, Special number of Journal of Ibero-Romance Creoles. (pdf)




Tenselessness II. FLUL, October 03-04


Oral Presentations

Pratas, Fernanda. 2021. Low Acess Morphemes (LAM) em Caboverdiano e em português. 14ª Conferência da Associação Alemã de Lusitanistas, Temporalidade da língua e temporalidade na língua. Variação e mudança no sistema temporal e aspectual do português. Leipzig. Setembro.

Pratas, Fernanda. 2019: Capeverdean in New England: finding unity in diversity, ASA 63rd Annual Meeting, Boston.

Gillier, Raïssa. 2019. Spelling and Identity in Capeverdean. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Portuguese and Spanish-Lexified Creoles (ACBLPE), June 17th-19th, Lisbon. (pdf)

Pratas, Fernanda. 2018. Tense results from mood and aspect: temporal meanings in Capeverdean. Paper presented at GREAT, within Going Romance XXXII, December 10-14, Utrecht. (pdf)

Pratas, Fernanda. 2017. How much Tense is needed? The mixed response from Capeverdean. Tenselessness workshop. October 5-6, University of Greenwich, London. (pdf)