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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

[1817]. Cópia de carta de Nicolau Murta, oficial da Secretaria Inglesa, para sua mulher.

Author(s) Nicolau Murta      
Addressee(s) Anónima7      
In English

Copy of a family letter from Nicolau Murta, a clerk, to his wife.

The author says goodbye to his wife just before committing suicide. He was in the imminence of being arrested for insolvency.

Nicolau Murta was a Sergeant in the Lisbon Police. Later, he went to work as a clerk in the English Secretary Services. He owed a large sum of 2,011 «réis», corresponding to several salaries of British Army officers. He tried, by letter, to postpone the payment to his creditor but when he knew that he was going to be arrested, he committed suicide.

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Page 38r

e saberás que Manoel Francisco Furtado, em pri
meiro lugar, e Ricardo Joze Murteira em segundo,
bem sei que de nada saber aprezentarás a incluza
Carta a Sua Excellencia, onde vai a chave do meu
Escriptorio, onde se achão os Recibos de Sua Excellen
cia, do Brigadeiro Arbuthnot, do Coronel Suvell, e
do Doutor Wynn, e falla mesmo com Sua Excel
lencia, e lhe entregues a Carta incluza, pois he pessôa
de quem deves esperar pela Sua bondade, todo a fa
vor; a minha morte he certa em hum minuto,
porque he melhor que a vergonha Nicolau

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