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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1709. Carta de Francisco Vitorino para Manuel Suárez.

Author(s) Francisco Vitorino      
Addressee(s) Manuel Suárez      
In English

Letter from Francisco Vitorino to Manuel Suárez.

The author asks Manuel Vitorino to give him notice of the arrival of some commissions.

In 1709 José Federico de Tovar, a Corregidor’s lieutenant of Salamanca, proceeded against Pedro López Cañedo, Juan Fernández Conde (who had already deceased), Antonio Fernández Conde, Manuel Suárez, Ambrosio García and Pedro Barreda, all of them residents of Vilvestre (Salamanca). They were accused of introducing grain, livestock and horses in Portugal. Corregimiento´s Justice determined they had conducted this trade during wartime against Portugal and therefore they were investigated. In the case of Manuel Suárez, he fled the village and Justice was unable to apprehend him, however, his house was searched and several documents were seized. Among these documents there were accounts, annotations and some letters. Besides an unsigned letter, there were also seized two other letters addressed to Manuel Suárez from Francisco Vitorio (dated from May the 3rd and July the 27th 1709) and a letter written in Braganza by Bernardo López to his brother Gerónimo López. Several witnesses declared that Manuel Suárez was a Portuguese national and he maintained dealings with the realm. Nevertheless, governors of Ciudad Rodrigo knew about those dealings and about the fact they were made for espionage porpoises. Manuel Suárez was treated as a defaulting defendant, as well as Ambrosio García and Pedro Barreda. Antonio Fernández Conde, by contrast, was arrested and argued he had not offended whatsoever, since he had always traded with the Portuguese realm in peacetime and he continued doing so because he was married to a Portuguese woman.

In 1717 the prosecutor from the Chancellery of Valladolid rectified a previous provision that had declared the judgment against the defendants null and sentenced Antonio Fernández Conde and Pedro López Cañedo to pay a fine of one thousand maravedis. Both of them had to report the Chancellery of Valladolid and the seizure of their properties was issued; additionally, the referral of the original case was requested.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Text: -

Amigo manuel
alegrareme estes bueno
yo gracias a Dios lo estoi pra lo que se te ofreçca
con la ocazion del portador no escuzo el azerte el encargo que de mi parte digas a la persona que saves q me alegro de sus aumentos pero que mire de quien ce fia que no todos saven callar y de ablar nace el saver
no quiero cer largo en esto pues pareciera tener cuidado lo que es para mi de gusto.
â antonio fernandes ago memoria de mis encargos
alegrareme esten ia en esa Va pa mandar pr ellos a la rretirada de canpaña
no dejara de escrivirme sobre esto pues ce lo encargo asi
si tubieres que avisarme lo podras azer y aun en l otros veremos
este verano en salamanca es ella pero ci io pudiere cer de alguna conveniencia en cualquier parte lo are como ciempre
y no ofreciendoceme otra cosa deceo te ge Dios m a
Campo de Santa engracia y maio 3 de 1709.
quien mas te estima franco vitorino

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