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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Sentence view

[1816]. Carta de Nicolau Monjardino, oficial de secretaria, para João José da Costa e Silva, solicitador.

Author(s) Nicolau Monjardino      
Addressee(s) João José da Costa e Silva      
In English

Letter from Nicolau Monjardino, state officer, to João José da Costa e Silva, solicitor

The author writes, insulting an threatening the addressee

The proceedings refer to João José da Costa e Silva, a solicitor, accused of misconduct in the fulfillment of his functions. He was accused of insulting Nicolau Monjardino by letter. The present letter is the reply of the offended.

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Text: -

Joze he hum maroto, desavergonhado o mais patife, e ensolente,
aonde o encontrar seu maroto, lhe darei, ou mandarei dar com hum vergalho, pela sua ensolente petelancia
A meu Primo o Sr Lourenço Antonio logo farei prezente as suas patifas Letras pa as Reprezentar no Tribunal
De hum homem q deu em seu Pay
o castigarei

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