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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1810. Carta de António dos Santos, foreiro, para Manuel Dias Bravo, alferes e proprietário de terras.

Author(s) António dos Santos      
Addressee(s) Manuel Dias Bravo      
In English

Request letter from António dos Santos, a tenet, to Manuel Dias Bravo, a Lieutenant and land owner.

The author asks the addressee to allow him to proceed cultivating the land that he has been renting.

The chaplain of Cururupú (Maranhão, Brazil), the Reverend António Vidal Ferreira Pinto, was denounced in 1813 by an enemy of his, the farmer José Gonçalves Castelhano, for a number of crimes. The defendant was accused of living outrageously under the same roof for more than nine years with Faustina Teresa, the wife of the Lieutenant António dos Reis, and with Maria Benedita, a freed slave, as his concubine. He was also accused of being very slow in the administration of the sacraments, and "a refined dealer." He was believed to give shelter to criminal and exiled men, to abuse women, to open other people's letters in order to discover their secrets, and to ask too much money for celebrating baptisms and matrimonies. The plaintiff also complaint about the theft of his ox, which trespassed the lands of the accused and was killed by him.

At the end of a criminal case that lasted six years, the Reverend António Vidal Ferreira Pinto was found not guilty.

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Snr Alferes Manoel Dias Brabo

Por esta Bou partesipar a vmce que tendo entensionado de hir os seus pes na ocazião em que foi meu sogro o não pude fazer por cauza de molestia da cuja ainda padeso rezom por que não tenho comprido com os meus deveres portanto faso esta a saver de vmce se poso comtinuar a rosar ou não ainda que o do meu sogro me dis que vmce lhe disera que eu não rosava mais emgnorando eu o comcocomrer pr hu destroso igual o de hum mundo sem persizam alguma eu estou aqui a coatro oras tratando do meu aranjamento e não estando este ainda acavado tive em 30 de sro o destroso de huma queimasão como a vmce lhe sera Bem constante e tendo agora outro destroso premetido porem ate sem rezam nem cauza ate me parese que não custara em cazo Semelhante a dezesperar hum homem com tanto destroso junto humas atras das outras se tenho dado cauzas vivo emgnorante delas porem deos que he qm tudo rege me dara o pago a qm for a cauza do meu destroso pois he d onde Podemos todos esperar o bom e o mau premio de tudo qto neste mundo fizermos sendo o qto se me oferese dizer a vmce a qm apeteso huma vigoroza saude que

Deos gue

de vmce mto obrdo Sr Antonio dos Santos Alca 24 de Mo 1810



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