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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1823. Cópia de carta de José de São Miguel de Lobrigos, Ministro Provincial, para António de Poiares, frade.

Author(s) José de São Miguel de Lobrigos      
Addressee(s) António de Poiares      
In English

Copy of an instructions letter from Father José de São Miguel de Lobrigos, a Provincial Minister, to Friar António de Poiares.

The author instructs the addressee to move his College to a different location.

Friar José de Canelas and Friar José de Fornelos were accused of leading a mutiny in a Convent in Northern Portugal. They proclaimed political ideals of liberal conviction. In their defense came their Philosophy teacher, Friar António de Poiares, who would be also prosecuted. The latter didn't receive the approval of his fellow friars for several reasons: he didn't wear a regular outfit, didn't follow his teaching duties and despised the Christian education of his pupils. He was out all afternoons, he let the pupils play cards and play musical instrument, he gave them secret and quick lessons and kept the alimonies money.

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Muito Amado Irmão Mestre

Não podendo deixar de attender a hum Requerimento que ao Reverendo Defenitorio fás o Nosso sindico e Commonidade desse Convento, assentamos em Remover esse Collegio para outra caza que o possa sustentar ao menos por estes seis mezes dezignando a de Barçellos por não ser agora tempo de Jornada mais dilatada espero que o Irmão Mestre

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