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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1752. Carta de António Rodrigues Leitão, padre para Francisco Luís Gião, padre.

Author(s) António Rodrigues Leitão      
Addressee(s) Francisco Luís Gião      
In English

Request letter from António Rodrigues Leitão, a priest, to Francisco Luís Gião, alsoa priest.

The author asks the addressee to confirm that António da Silva Freire has remarried. He also comments on the preparations for an upcoming bullfight which he does not intend to witness.

António da Silva Freire was a rope maker who married twice. His first wife, Guiomar Inácia, had gone from Vila Viçosa to Lisbon in seek of health care and he never heard from her again. When he met Maria Rita, from Estremoz, he wanted to marry her so he tried to have a death certificate from the hospital in Lisbon where Guiomar Inácia had been treated. He was given one, although for a woman with a slightly different name, Guiomar das Neves. He was sentenced to seven years in the galleys. He also testified that he had been continually sodomized by the master who taught him his trade, but such accusation was not investigated by the Inquisition.

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Page [17]r

M Rdo e Snr Frco Gião

Meu aMo e snr cudado me tem dado o não

ter tido Novas suas ha tanto tenpo, estimarey
q não seija por falta de saude q esta lhe
contenue o snr por largos annos; pa q dis
ponha da q me asiste q he boa a Ds grasas
e me recomende a snra Tia e q estimarey q
pase milhor das suas queyxas.
Sayba Vmce de Mel pereyra se aquele
homem por nome Anto da Silva se cazou,
e no cazo q lhe diga q sim denuncio
logo ao Sto officio porq a Molher esta
viva, e fasa Vmce essa deliga com cautella
porq ca se veyo dizer a este hospital, q es
tava cazado, e a Molher ja o sabe do q ouver
me avize. as Igras dizem q brevemte sairão
trabalhace com forsa nos palanques pa os
touros eu faso tensão de os não ver não cerve
de mais fico pronto pa lhe obedecer no q for de
seu serviso Lxa Hospital de Todos os
Santos 20 de Agosto de 1752

Servo Amo Mais oBro de Vmc
O Pe Anto Rodrigues Leytam

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