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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1780. Carta de Francisco Coelho de Melo para Bento Ribeiro do Vale.

Author(s) Francisco Coelho de Melo      
Addressee(s) Bento Ribeiro do Vale      
In English

Private letter from Francisco Coelho de Melo to Bento Ribeiro do Vale.

The author asks the recipient to lend him some money.

Bento Ribeiro do Vale lent Francisco Coelho de Melo the sum of forty thousand "réis" in the years 1780 and 1781. The evolution of this debt is shown in the four letters attached to the process, written by the debtor. The heir of the latter was his brother, António Teles Coelho de Melo, against whom Bento Ribeiro do Vale filed a lawsuit in 1791, in an effort to get his money back.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 6r

Snr Bento Ribeiro do Val

Meo amo e Sr por esta vou aos pes

de vmce Rogarlhe me queira fa
zer a onra de me emprestar mais
o pedido de des mil reis que eu a vmce
dise onte, e juntos aos dozasete
que vmce me emprestou no outro dia
fara coantia de vinte e sete mil
reis cuijos eu me obrigo nesta a pag
ar a munto generoza pesoa de vmce
que Ds gde mo annos Angra 17 dezen
bro 1780

De vmce
o mais Reverente amo
e Cr
Franco Coelho de Mello

pode vmce emtregar

ao rapas q eu me dou
por emtrege




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