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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1830]. Carta de António de Carvalho para sua mãe.

Autor(es) António de Carvalho      
Destinatário(s) Anónima12      
In English

Request letter from António Carvalho, who was in jail for making counterfeit money, to his mother.

The author asks for a book (an «art» book) to be delivered to him in jail. He also asks for other items, avoiding to be precise about them.

António Carvalho was arrested under the accusation of falsifying money and trying to teach the technique to others. Two women were also arrested because some counterfeit money was found in their possession.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Texto: -

Minha Maii dezeijolhe saude i Felisedades em Compa de qm Vme mais
Fara Vezitas. o manoel seqeira
i Vme asista as mesmas
se For. Com a sua nora pesame hum Livro q tem o Frnsisco da Costa de arte maie qu hera para serta cousa de presizão mas não lhe dizendo para qem he
i o manoel qe me arange a inComenda que Vomese sabe que tanho presa dela que são as Compainhas
i Vme mandeme tamam a outra inComenda
ate a vista
deste seu Filho Anto de Cro

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