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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1655. Carta de Juan Rodríguez de Amezquita para Bernardo López Portelo, lencero y comerciante.

Autor(es) Juan Rodriguez de Amezquita      
Destinatario(s) Bernardo López Portelo      
In English

Letter from Juan Rodríguez de Amezquita to Bernardo Portelo, a draper and a trader.

The author writes to Bernardo López Portelo in order to beg alms.

Bernardo López Portelo (also just Bernardo Portelo in some letters), was a draper and a trader resident in Madrid and native to Portugal who was accused of judaizer in 1661. Among other offences, he was accused of being an abettor of a judaizers network by means of different alms that he was giving to some people reconciled with the Holy Office of Toledo, Valladolid and Cuenca. A witness stated that they first suspected him when they saw many superscripts that belonged to the Jews from Bayonne with his name on it (fol.41). The letters provided as exhibit to the trial together with the rest of the documents were seized from the defendant´s house: most of them were alms petitions. This letter has an annotation on the lower margin from one of the Holy Office´s members, it reads: "I hereby certify that this note was found among the papers seized to Bernardo López Portelo. In Madrid, August 26th 1660. Juan Baptista de Lemos". Eventually, the defendant was condemned to exile and to the payment of 200 ducats.

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Texto: -

Sor bernardo portello
son tantos mis trabagos que anque quiera esqusar el degar de enfados a vm i a otros señores sabe dios que no puedo i cada dia con mas trabagos que son
como mi prision ba tan a lo largo adonde estaba mi ija io la e hechado sin tener remedio para sustentarla ni una casa adonde podella tener
doi muchas grasias por tantos regalos como me enbia i le pido me de pasiensia
i a vm suplico si pudiere me aga una limosna por amor de dios que su dibina magestad sabe no lo pido de bisio.
i si acaso vm tubiere algun abiso de alguna presona que io e escrito me respondan por orden de vm me ara fabor de enbiarmela a esta carsel.
i tanbien si acaso vm supiere alguna parte conosida de vm adonde pueda estar mi ija por criada ara vm una gran limosna
i perdoneme vm estos enfados por amor de dios que guarde a vm
d esta carsel i nobienbre 11 de 655 años.
Juan Rodrigues de Amesquita

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