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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1766. Carta de Vicente Salazar para Isabel Trujillo

Autor(es) Vicente Salazar      
Destinatário(s) Isabel Trujillo      
In English

Letter from Vicente Salazar to Isabel Trujillo.

The author assures Isabel Trujillo that the information she has received is not true and he reaffirms his love for her. He asks her to defend him before the others.

In 1772 Isabel Trujillo appeared before court demanding Vicente Salazar´s compliance with the marriage promise he had made to her. The couple, native to Carmona, had kept a love relationship for five years. In order to prove the commitment was true, Isabel provided several letters and objects that Vicente had given her. However, at the same time that Isabel upheld her litigation before justice, another young woman appeared claiming that a similar promise had been made to her by Vicente Salazar. María de Ávila stated that she had also received a marriage promise and she had given in to Vicente´s pretentions. As a consequence, she was eight months pregnant. Isabel Trujillo argued that Vicente Salazar had promised to marry her first and doubted that María de Ávila had ever met him. The defendant, who was being held in Seville Real Audiencia´s prison, admitted the promises made to Isabel Trujillo and also that the letters and objects she presented were his. However, he did not admit having met María de Ávila. The fact that the latter left no stone unturned in her quest to achieve justice only delayed the proceeding. Throughout the litigation Isabel Trujillo kept providing letters proving her long friendship and courtship with Vicente Salazar. Despite Isabel´s arguments being solid, the witnesses presented by María de Ávila showed that she had enough reasons to demand the compliance of Vicente´s promises. In 1774 the defendant admitted he had promised to marry both women and, considering María´s circumstances, he acknowledged paternity of her child. Faced with this situation, Isabel Trujillo decided to withdraw her claim, which facilitated María and Vicente´s marriage.

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hermana mia de mi corazon y de mis entrañas deseo tu salud y la que a mi me asiste es buena para que me mandes.

hermana mia enterado quedo de tu papel ultimo, y te digo em virtud de lo que anteriormente te dije por escrito sobre lo que me dizes que esa Mujer dijo haier en tu casa que io havia ydo a solizitar el ser compadre de tu hermana y qe tu hermana tenia Ya buscado Compadre digo que tan yncierto es lo uno como lo otro pues yo nunca e pretendido bajarme a nadie, yo solamente me bajaria a quien quiero que es a ty y no a otro nadie, y si mi compadre no me hubiera buscado me hubiera echo mucha merzed. y asi te digo que t estimo y lo tendre muy presente en mi corazon con la rresolucion que tan pronto la rrespondistes en abono mio pues de ty nunca espero yo mas de puros favores y no hallo yo por donde podertelos pagar que estas cosas que cain a tiempo no se pagan con dineros, y no tengas cuidado aunque estes delante de tu Madre o tu padre en sacar la cara por mi siempre que se ofrezca porque quando turbio corra siempre por siempre sabes muy bien que soy tuio conqe bajo este supuesto no tengas ningun cuidado.

tamvien te agradezco el que baias ha oir a el santo relijioso pues mira que hanoche nos predico a ti y a mi pues todo lo que dijo hera el hebanjelio y a mi es cierto que me gusta pues te advierto que en quanto a el moral suio ninguno llega pues mira que bien nos esplico anoche el punto de Doctrina que lo que el tiene contra si es aquella lijereza del pronunziar tan lijero. Mañana si no boy a el campo ha ver algun peujar te doy palabra de hir a oir a el padre Lora. Quien te quiere de corazon es el que t escrive estos renguelones aDios mi vida Ysabel Maria oy 10 de Dre de 66 a Vizente salazar



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