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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1682]. Carta de Leandro José de Ribera y Sotomayor para María de Mendoza y Espinosa.

Autor(es) Leandro José de Rivera y Sotomayor      
Destinatario(s) María de Mendoza y Espinosa      
In English

Letter from Leandro José de Rivera y Sotomayor to María de Mendoza y Espinosa.

The author instructs the addressee on how to keep their correspondence in secret and agrees on moving forward with the wedding plans by allowing her to tell her confessor and her mother about it.

María de Mendoza brought a lawsuit against Leandro José Rivera following an accusation of unfulfilled marriage promise. He admitted having promised to marry her and also being the author of the letters presented by her. However, he alleged having been deceived by his fiancé because she hid her father was a mixed race. She denied it by presenting witnesses and proofs, besides, she proved the frequent interaction between the families, which would make impossible to hide such a fact. The sentence was favourable to María de Mendoza and Leandro José was condemned to fulfil his promise and to pay the expenses of the trial.

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Page 32r > 32v

Esposa y Dueño mio. estoi en Creencia de que tienes poco lugar de escrivirme y aora menos. que Siempre por el hospedaje de Antonia. Y assi con muchas mas Veras é estimado tus letras assi por el travajo que te abra costado el hazerlas como por la dha de lograr yo el berlas. Y te Suplico qe hagas toda diligencia por escrivirme antes que me baia para qe lleve por consuelo en mi ausencia el papel con que me favorecieres.

No tengo cossa de novedad que dezirte solo que estube el Domingo con mi madre Ysabel y dispusimos la forma de escrivirle io a su merçed y quando tu quisieres escrivirme le daras el papel a mi Me ysabel para que lo meta en su

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