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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1556]. Carta de Mayor de Pimentel para su sobrino Fernán Pérez de Andrade.

Author(s) Mayor de Pimentel      
Addressee(s) Fernán Pérez de Andrade      
In English

Letter from Mayor de Pimentel to her nephew Fernán Pérez de Andrade.

The author thanks her nephew for the presents and favours she has received and insists in helping him from Valladolid. She also informs him of the latest news and of the arrangements she has made.

Around 1587 Mayor de Pimentel claimed her rights to her parents inheritance against her grandnieces, who were represented by Fernando de Seijas´ widow, Aldonza de Ulloa. Mayor was one of the five daughters of Antonio de Tovar and Blanca de Pimentel. Once they passed away, the eldest daughter, Brianda de Tovar, and her husband, Fernan Pérez de Aseijas, took control over the properties and urged Mayor to renounce to the fifth part that belonged to her. Mayor assured that she had been mislead, since she was under 25 years old at the time and she had received a poor compensation of 400 ducats. Likewise, she had been forced to marry to Luis de Sotomayor. Consequently, she had decided to sue Brianda in 1577 and the Court of Justice ruled on the legitimacy of her claim. Aldonza de Ulloa appealed the judgement and presented several letters addressed to Mayor de Pimentel proving the later was receiving financial help. However, justice ruled in favour of Mayor for the second time. She had to receive the fifth part of the goods left by her mother.

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muy magco señor

veso las manos a vmd çien mil veçes por el cuydado q tubo de ynbiar los escaveches y las mas cosas q todo ello es mucho y muy bueno yo soy tan desaprovechada q casi todo lo di a mi señor sino cuatro capones q tome para convidar mañana a mis amigos. su señoria se holgo mucho con todo ello y dijo q no la Reçebia sino de parte de vmd y ansi me mando escribiese a vmd q le avia hecho mucha md con ello y lo tubo en mucho y diçe su señoría q aora vee q los pleytos q mi madre q este en gloria trataba no eran por culpa de vmd pues faltando ella tiene tanto cuydado de lo q nos toca a nosotros y diçe q cuando vmd venga aca otra bez q no lo haga tan mal como suele porq la sa doña leonor de çuñiga dijo a su señoria como vmd avia estado aqui y mi sa mostro q se olgara de aver hablado a vmd pere otra vez se podra haçer la carta de la sa doña leonor le dara po lopez y llevara la respuesta a vmd los dineros q vmd me hiço md de ynviar con el Correo y con pero lopez Recebi yo las cartas mucho contentamiento por saver de la salud de vmd y de la señora doña brianda q dios sabe q tengo mayor voluntad d de servir a vras

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