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Maarten Janssen, 2014-
Autor(es) | Luisa de Cárdenas |
Destinatario(s) | Pompeo Amoroso |
In English | Letter from Luisa de Cárdenas to Pompeo Amoroso, solicitor. The author asks Pompeo Amoroso to stay in the Roman court to face possible actions by the agents of the Duke of Francávila and to handle the request for exemption she presented in order to marry the Count of Aguilar. In 1609 the Council of Castile examined the lawsuit brought by Pompeo Amoroso against the Marquises of Este. Pompeo Amoroso claimed that he had been not paid for a 1500 ducats donation made by the Marchioness Dona Luisa Cárdenas in payment for some previous services. Firstly, the process was brought before the chief magistrate of Illescas. Pompeo Amoroso had been a servant of Bernardino de Cárdenas, and later served his daughter, Luisa, as a solicitor in Rome. In that court he had been in charge of the necessary steps to achieve the annulment of the marriage between Luisa Cárdenas and the Duke of Francávila. In return for his successful services, Luisa promised him 7000 ducats, which should have been paid him over several years at a rate of 500 ducats per year. Pompeo Amoroso presented six letters to the Council, in order to demonstrate his services and the promises that Dona Luisa had done in relation to that financial compensation. On page [173]r of this letter there is a handwritten annotation made by the Count of Aguilar. |
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