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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1783. Carta de Manuel Soler, batidor de oro, para su mujer Manuela Herrarte.

Autor(es) Manuel Soler      
Destinatario(s) Manuela Herrarte      
In English

Letter from Manuel Soler, goldbeater, to his wife Manuela Herrarte.

The author writes his wife, Manuela Herrarte, about a sum of money that her father owes them, and threatens him.

The accused in this process were Manuel Soler and Andrés Herrarte, residents of Valladolid. In 1782 they were accused of vagrancy and idleness by the district attorney. Manuel Soler was arrested for misconduct, vagrancy and idleness, and for neglecting his office and his duties. In addition, Miguel Herrarte, father-in-law of the accused, denounced him for threats, and to prove it he brought the letter here transcribed. Manuel Soler claimed that he had threatened the other in a moment of exasperation, because Miguel Herrarte had not sent him the 402 reales he owed him, and for this reason he did not have anything to eat.

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