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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1821. Carta de João da Costa, escrivão de fábrica de igreja, para Manuel Rodrigues de Melo, juiz-de-fora.

Autor(es) João da Costa      
Destinatário(s) Manuel Rodrigues de Melo      
In English

Information letter from João da Costa, a clerk, to Manuel Rodrigues de Melo, a judge.

The author explains that a highwayman that was arrested has been recognized by two witnesses who swore in secret for fear of a violent payback.

Jerónimo de Morais, Manuel de Jesus dos Passos (or Estêvão da Assunção Longo) and José de Sousa were prosecuted for being highwaymen and robbers and for traveling with fake names on their passports.

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