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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1802. Carta de Jacinto Hernández, comerciante de libros, para Thomás Fabián Savignoni, responsable de la casa de comercio de la viuda de Juan Bautista Fabián.

Author(s) Jacinto Hernández      
Addressee(s) Thomás Fabián Savignoni      
In English

Letter from Jacinto Hernández, a book trader, to Thomás Fabián Savignoni, who is in charge of the trading house of Juan Bautista Fabián´s widow.

The author writes to Thomas Fabián Savignoni, who is in charge of the trading house of Juan Bautista Fabián´s widow, regarding a shipment of books and prayer cards he has already received. He writes about his next steps and he explains him the situation he is in with the Holy Office, which is the reason why he wants to change the goods to trade with.

The trial against Jacinto Hernández occurred between 1798 and 1803 for forbidden books. He was suspected of binding and selling this type of books. The trial was suspended despite the fact that some dubious copies were found. The set of letters is fundamentally about books and prayer cards delivery. Some of the prayer cards were forbidden because they contained either the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which was banned, the Holy Spirit in a human form, or the image of a naked grown up Jesus child.

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Sra Viuda de dn Juan Bta fabiani
Toledo 2 de Setpre de 1802

Muy Sra mia hago a Vmd Presente e doy Por noti-

cia como los Libros Ya los tengo en mi casa y no Qui-
siera ciertamte haverlos tenido tan Pronto prque como
decian Llegaran a Ocaña tube Razon de que
havian Llegado pero qe no Podian traerlos menos qe
viniesen en cargas conque se hallaran a la sa-
zon pr los Arrieros de Ocaña y porque no me se
estropiasen. Pase Yo mismo ha cer los cargas y en
paquetarlos. En virtud de la Guia qe decia estaban
revisados pr el Sto tribunal de la Inquisicion la
presente al Sor Administrador de Rentas Reales
me digo qe las estamps las Llevase a l aDuana
los Libros los Retirase a mi casa. Despues de
3 ó 4 Dias me hallo con el Despacho del

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