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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1756. Carta no autógrafa de Ana María Gayán, criada, para Juan José Aranda, cura.

Autor(es) Ana María Gayán      
Destinatario(s) Juan José Aranda      
In English

Unsigned letter sent by Ana María Gayán to Juan José Aranda, a priest.

The author informs Juan José Aranda that, although many of her fellow citizens would prefer that she left the village, she is well, and she is following his advice to trust nobody. She also give hime news about friends.

The defendant of this process was Juan José Aranda, the priest of Mazarulleque (Cuenca). In 1757, he was accused of heretical propositions and heretical actions by the Inquisition of Cuenca, because he claimed that the constant molestation to which he subjected Isabel Villar Abarca, his maid, was not a sin. Juan José Aranda had also maintained illicit relationships with other maids, as Ana María Gayán and Manuela Palomino. Actually, it had been the pregnancy of Manuela Palomino that had triggered the whole process, because the priest was suspected to be responsible for that. The inquisitors then ordered the imprisonment of Juan José Aranda and the seizure of his properties. All the letters he had in his house were confiscated and joined to the proceedings as a proof. Eventually, the defendant was forced to abjure de levi, and he was sentenced to two years of confinement in a convent and to three years of banishment, at a minimum distance of eight leagues from Chinchilla (Albacete), Mazarulleque (Cuenca), and Madrid.

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mano del Amigo D franco Dominguez las
que rezivi gustosa, por saver de la salud
de Vmd la que me alegro se continue ayun
que es de estrañar en medio de tanto en
rredo y enbuste; yo buena como Tambien
la theresa y faco; yo estoy muy echa cargo
de lo que Vmd me previene no me fie de
nadie que bastantes esperiencias Tengo que
mi puerta no se abre a nadie para admitir
a nigun falso, ni falsa, si algo se me ofreze
lo hago por medio de faco, ô la theresa q
ellos salen fuera a lo que yo les mando, y
estan bastantemte advertidos de todo.
yo no salgo, si no es a Missa algunos dias
de travajo y dias de fiesta, el trigo no se
vende grano, solo se han bendido 4 fs y ma
de zevada, 2 de escaña, y 2 libs de zera, la
zevada a 9 Rs la escaña a 4 Rs y mo y la
zera a 10 Rs la llave de la Cueba la ten
go bien guarda, pues solo se ha havier
to para sacar la Azeytuna que se
llevo â Almonazid, huvo 7 alms y ha

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