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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1717. Carta de Juan Hernández para Francisco Reyllo Velarde.

Autor(es) Juan Hernández      
Destinatário(s) Francisco Reyllo Velarde      
In English

Letter from Juan Hernández to Francisco Reyllo Velarde.

The author relates Francisco Reyllo the abuses suffered by his fellow citizens from the magistrates of Cartagena and Lorca.

On the 20th of November, 1717, the magistrate of Cartagena requested Sebastián Llorente, mayor of the village of Fuente el Álamo, to make a list of citizens, for tax purposes. The magistrate sent a letter to Murcia, because he found that request unprecedented. The magistrate sent his chief bailiff and a notary, with some horses, to the village. They seized the properties of the mayor and committed various abuses against his fellow citizens. They also imprisoned Sebastián Llorente and Francisco Reyllo Velarde, whom they considered an accomplice. The letter was handed over by the residents of Fuente el Álamo as a proof of the abuses committed by the magistrate of Cartagena.

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