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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1804]. Carta de Amilibia para Francisco de Paula de Echevarría.

Autor(es) Amilibia      
Destinatário(s) Francisco Paula de Echevarría      
In English

Letter from Amilibia to Francisco de Paula de Echevarría.

The author informs Francisco Echevarría that he will soon go to Urdaneta, where he intends to stay two or three days, and that for this reason he will not be able to go to Zumaya.

José Vicente de Zulaica, mayor of Zumaya, brought a lawsuit against José Charpategui, accusing him of insults. To demonstrate his accusation, he presented letters in which various people declared their outstanding debts. This letter was sent by the addressee to José Vicente de Zulaica.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 3r


Amo y Sor esta maña

na he tenido un propio
de Urdaneta para que
vaya mañana por la
mañana y le he ofrecido
y regularmte tardare
alli unos dos o tres dias por lo
que me es imposible que
pueda ir mañana a
Zumaya como vm me
dice (acaso pasara la co
lera pa mañana)


vea vm si en otra

cosa puede servirle
este su afto Amo
y S S Q S M B

febo 5

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