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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1611. Carta de Manuel Sarmiento de Mendoza, canónigo, para Ponciano Basurto, fraile.

Autor(es) Manuel Sarmiento de Mendoza      
Destinatario(s) Ponciano Basurto      
In English

Letter from Manuel Sarmiento de Mendoza, canon, to Ponciano Basurto, friar.

The author advises Ponciano Basurto to be prudent about what he says in his sermons.

The accused in this process was Ponciano Basurto, friar of the Trinitarian Order and minister of the Holy Trinity convent in Toledo. In 1610 he was accused by the Inquisition Tribunal of Toledo of the crime of outrageous statements, because the «calificadores» (theologicians) of the Inquisition Tribunal considered some of the statements contained in his sermons as wrong or even on the edge of heresy. To defend himself, Ponciano Basurto handed over six letters, written by men of religion to whom he had sent his sermons, as a proof of the fact that these men had not found any doctrinal errors in his words. Eventually, he was condemned to abjure «de levi» (without punishment) and to retract, from the pulpit, the statements considered more controversial.

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Mando recojer el sermon q V P imprimio
y me Invio antes de entregarle no alle
en el cosa q mereciese prohibicion solo el
hablar tan claro y aspero de esos frayles,
q el dia de oy estas las cosas, en tan mal
estado qu es necesario hazerse los predicado
res ziegos y sordos, y ablar solamente
en general y asi se lo aconsejo a V P de
quien ha mill dias no tego carta, avise
me todo lo q ay en este particular, y
no sea tan perezoso en escrivir, y a sus
sobrinas favorezcalas con sus Cartas q
lo merezen, q son personas de muy bue
nos respetos, y las monjas lo son muy
buenas y el Convento las quiere mucho.
a Martin he Inviado a Arcos doze leguas
de aqui para q estudie mas Conclusiones
q ha de tener por San lucas. ge nro sr a
V P Como deseo. de Sevilla a 19 de Julio
de 1611 años

Don Manuel Sarmito
de Mendoza

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