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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1664. Carta de Luis Gómez de Vargas, mercader, para su hermano Manuel Gómez de Vargas, sirviente.

Author(s) Luis Gómez de Vargas      
Addressee(s) Manuel Gómez de Vargas      
In English

Letter from Luis Gómez de Vargas, a merchant, to his brother Manuel Gómez de Vargas, a servant.

The author informs his brother Manuel Gómez de Vargas about his health and his situation, and asks his brother about the same things.

In 1662, Luis Gómez de Vargas was accused of being a judaizer, and was eventually reconciled. He had been seized two letters which he had tried to get to his brother Manuel, who has been imprisoned in a secret jail. Luis had suspected that his brother had been imprisoned because during a hearing he had been called Manuel, and he had deduced that his brother had been arrested too. He tried to bribe the supplier of the jail with a doubloon to convince him to get the letters to his brother. He afterwards confessed that he had written the two letters, claiming that he did not know very well what he had written, because he was in a state of confusion. The first of the two letters was found by the wife of the supplier in a pot, and writing tools were found in the cell of Luis. When interrogated, he related that one day, when he went to take water, he heard his brother singing a song, and since that moment he started feeling a strong desire to write him, but he was afraid of the strong surveillance they were under. He related that a part of the texts he wrote was written as if he was a woman, to confuse the reader in case that the letter were seized. He explained also how to interpret some allusions he made in the letters. The signature was false. The author had also encoded the letter: the text of the encoded letter can be found in the description, and it is slightly different from the text of the original.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

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Al cabo de los años mil ea A cosa nueba tendreys ber

estas linias, mas no os admire porque el tpo a andado tal
que no a bido lugar, u por mejor ocasion de açerlo, lo uno por
que como dijisteis que tentariays el bado, no quise adelan
tarme por no hazeros mala obra; y ademas el cuydado a sido
tal despues que entro el nuebo presidente, que todos se rre
tiraron a un de ablar; lo otro yo e andado no muy bueno, pero
q mi poco gusto me a hecho no alentarme a nada; Mas moti
bado de saber de buestra salud y de buestro despacho, y atrope
llando por todas dificultades, por si azertare en algo qui
en todo lo yerra, y abuelo como buen cazador, echo esta, con
este motibo; que como dize Salomon escusas busca el que
se quiere apartar de su amigo, mas por no caer en ese Asurdo
ago el presente; y aunque en diborçio tan largo estareis enaje
nada; mi amor, aunque os escrivi apasionado, siempre es uno
y pensa lo que quisiereis que si esto es o no asi, Dios sea el que
juzgue que conoze de yntenciones y es justo sabe, y en quien
le teme no cabe tacañeria, ni bileza doyos toda esta satis
façion; porque creo que la pasion ya se os abra pasado, por
que buestra amistad lo mereze que en mis yerros se que los
suplireis, como amigo, y con buestro acuerdo los reprende
reis como a hermano; pues deje el sobredicho, entre mil
se a de buscar uno para comunicar lo yntimo y dejo parola
y boy al grano, que es la causa de buestra detencion? es falta
de dinero? Abla ya os abise que un amigo buestro tenia
una cantidad sin que su amiga lo supiese, y que os acudiria:

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