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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1671. Carta de don Pedro Ronquillo para Diego de Santiyán.

Author(s) Pedro Ronquillo      
Addressee(s) Diego de Santiyán      
In English

Letter from Pedro Ronquillo to Diego de Santiyán.

The author thanks Diego de Santiyán for his good work in certain business, some of them having to do with his family, and he entrusts him new issues.

Pedro Ronquillo Briceño passed away in London on August the 7th 1691 while he was the Ambassador Extraordinary for the Catholic King. A few years later, in 1704, Francisco Ronquillo, Pedro´s brother and main heir, took part in a litigation with some creditors following a claim for the payment of certain debts. The testamentary was Diego de Santiyán, who was asked to present the accounts he had managed for the deceased Ambassador. Indeed, Santiyán was given access to those accounts by power of attorney. Therefore, the aforementioned accounts were attached to the proceeding documentation, as well as letters and payment orders to several servants and private individuals.

On the upper margin of the letter transcribed in here there is an annotation from a different handwriting: "Brussels, December the 16th 71".

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Mucho me huelgo se halle Vm con la

salud que me asegura en su cartta
de 25 del passado y que mi primo el Sr
Dn Carlos se bea tan perfectamente Restituy
do a su salud que este en Animo de
no perder la ocasson que se ofreçe de las galeras
que bienen con la ropa del Sr Dn Pedro de
Aragon, y que segun el estado de las
diligencias que se an hecho paras las facul
tades se pueda esperar salir con bien de todo
creyendo muy bien la fineza y soli
çitud con que Vm anda en esto que
a buen seguro que Mediante su cuydado
estara esto mas adelantado de lo Regu
lar del curso ordino que este genero
de cossas tiene siempre y estimo mucho
el cuydado que Vm tiene de las assisten
çias de mi hermana, que segun las no
tiçias que tengo de Milan tomaron buena

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