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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1766. Carta de Manuel Maldonado, pseudónimo de José Fontana, para Ignacio Godiafin, pseudónimo de Pedro Pieres.

Author(s) José Fontana      
Addressee(s) Pedro Pieres      
In English

Letter from Manuel Maldonado, pseudonym used by José Fontana, to Ignacio Godiafin, pseudonym used by Pedro Pieres.

The author tells Ignacio Godiafin about the details of his trip and gives him instructions on how he must proceed when he travels for not being arrested. Besides, he asks him to write frequently and he gives him some indications on how to do it.

Litigation against Pedro Pieres, a native to France and naturalized in Gibraltar, who had been a military in different companies from which he had deserted. He was accused, together with two cronies, of using false identities for getting alms in churches pretending to be a new Christian converted from Lutheranism. At the time of the arrest three letters and some false passports were seized. He was also accused of desertion. During the proceeding, it was found out he was using at least two pseudonyms (Ignacio Godiafin and Juan Agustín Smit) and he was distorting the places where he was sending the letters from in order to hide his identity and his real whereabouts.

In folio 3v of the letter transcribed in here there is a marginal annotation: "To Antonio de Oscos y Cristobal, God keeps you for many years, resident in the village of Astorga. They say the Corregidor will be fined and the bailiff is not doing good".

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Page 2r > 2v


Charissimo amigo mio no puedo espli

car el placer qe tube al ber su carta pues
estava con muchissimo cuidado no llega
ra a tanto su desgracia qe le subcediera lo
qe a dn Abran y Matachana: pues qdo
bine de Leon el dia 22 Domingo dispues
del savado qe nos despedimos con tanta nie
be qe nos ubimos anegar, y io por traer
en mi Cavallo al Lizdo qe por mi tam
bien sirvio a vms me vine a pie todo el
camino trepando nieve pues a partes
ubo ocasion de entrarme hasta devajo de
los brazos y solo mi robusted pudo haber
sufridolo, pues como el otro nos avia e
cho tan gran servicio no le deje irse
a pie (aunqe tambien se allo en el viaje
malo) finalmte llegue atribulado y
pegado el yelo a las carnes qdo antes
de llegar a casa en el arrabal supe qe
avian traido a dn Abran a la carzel
y dispues al dia sigte le tomaron
la comfeson y declaro todo el

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