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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1691. Carta de Pedro Cayetano Fernández del Campo, marqués de Mejorada, para su tío Diego Ventura Fernández de Angulo, obispo de Ávila.

Author(s) Pedro Cayetano Fernández del Campo      
Addressee(s) Diego Ventura Fernández de Angulo      
In English

Letter from Pedro Cayetano Fernández del Campo, marquis of Mejorada, to his uncle Diego Ventura Fernández de Angulo, the bishop of Ávila.

The author lets his uncle know he is sending a list with the pensioners and asks him to have it into account for avoiding future litigations.

In 1700 the marquis of Mejorada made a claim against the plundering of his uncle´s properties. He demanded the recovery of some silver jewellery he had lent to his uncle, the bishop of Ávila, on the latter´s appointment as Ambassador Extraordinary to the Court of Lisbon. The litigation was followed in the General Court by the reeve of Ávila, who found in favour of the marquis declaring he had to be compensated for the amount he had lent. However, the prosecutor of Castile´s Apostolic Camera appealed to the Council of Castile for avoiding having to pay. In order to substantiate their position, they provided two letters written by the marquis to his uncle containing an agreement with regard to the silver. In addition to these two letters, the proceeding documentation contains two hundred letters written between 1683 and 1691 which were reviewed during the plundering. In 1705, both parties kept submitting claims. The marquis wanted the sentence in his favour to be ratified and the prosecution wanted to avoid the required payment.

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Page 34r > 34v

Illmo Sor

Mi señor y mi tio tanto mas estimo

la carta de VS I de 28 quanto es favor
sobresaliente de la corresponda
regular supongo q VS I esta bueno
pues no me abla en este capito el mas
ymportante, y porque a VS I no le
queste trabajo el adivinar el esto de nra
salud le partizipo que todos la gozamos
en casa y spre muy a su disposn y obeda
embio a VS I la mema de las pensiones q
me ordena, y me pareze ba con clard
bastante, si VS I hechare menos al
guna zircunsta fazil es satisfazerla
VS I me crea, y trate de acomodarse
con los pensionistas porque lo demas
es quento de nunca acavar, de descredi
to, y de gastar en tantos pleytos quan
tos son ellos, el ajustar aora valores
anuales es perder tpo y la quenta no se
haze mas de una vez a la entrada, porque
si se hubiera de hazer cada año no havia
punto fijo, y pudiera el Rey cargar si su
bia el valor, y en justa quando se llegase
a los ultimos terminos son diferentemte aten
didos los Prelados a quienes no se les cargo mas
que la quarta parte que aquellos a
quienes se les cargo la terzera todo

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