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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1829. Carta Maria para Manuel António de Andrade Queirós, procurador de causas.

Author(s) Maria      
Addressee(s) Manuel António de Andrade Queirós      
In English

Note from Maria to her brother Manuel António de Andrade Queirós, a solicitor.

The author asks the addressee to fix a broken comb for her. She tells him that some acquaintances of them both have been arrested.

In 1829 a solicitor was arrested in Lisbon because he announced to a soldier -- a drummer -- that his Regiment was in the imminence of marching to Braga. In order to prove this piece of information, he showed him some subversive leaflets. In his house another manuscript was apprehended, but the accused defended himself saying that he himself had written it in a state of hallucination.

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Mano manoel pello almucreve de

villa nova remetite hum Pente cobra
do pa me dares a compor os dentes e a cos
ta se poder ser mais alta hum dedo por
a costa ser mto grósa pa ficar mais
delgada e nao podendo ser os dentes
espero me facas este favor pois nao
pa mim e o porte pediu o almocreve
q eu lho darei qdo veio o almocreve não
Pude escrever por estarmos muito afelitas
em rezão de prenderem o noso Primo
Dr Duarte e trancozo andando a pasiar
Com o thio Joze Lusio áparseu hum sogeito
desta terra e logo lhe deitou a mão e nos viherão
dizer q tambem vinha o thio mas veio so o Dr
aonde esta na ichovia e o nóso Amo clemente
e seu conhado amaral na mma echovia e outros
mtos mais e se te recomendão mto o Clemente
bem doente tua mana


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