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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1553. Carta não autógrafa de Afonso Fernandes de Medelhim para Manuel Gil.

Autor(es) Afonso Fernandes de Medelhim      
Destinatario(s) Manuel Gil      
In English

Private letter, dictated by Afonso Fernandes de Medelhim to Manuel Gil

The author asks the addressee to have his debts settled for him.

This letter belongs to the Inquisition proceedings against Afonso Fernando de Medelhim. Knowing that he was to be sentenced to death, Afonso Fernando de Medelhim dictated this variation of a will, since he wanted to leave his debts cleared. There are two other notes accompanying the letter: the first is a note stating that he was the mental author of the letter and that it was dictated to an unknown priest; the second one states when and where the letter was written and that it was done in the presence of witnesses.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 61r


sor manoel gil fazeyme tamanha merce e esmola q me deis este escripto a joão

lopez mercador, e q arrecade de alvaro piz q mora no mõte dos ayres tres
ou quatro mil rs q me deve ou ho q se achar pr boa cõta, de seis ou sete cova
dos de londres e de pedaço de rufino. E daqui tomareis o q vos devo
em vosa cõsçiençia do anil q me destes, e de manoel mẽdez tintoreyro are
cadeis sete tostões q me deve de hũas calças q lhe vendi e dahi a elle
de tomar dous reales de prata q lhe eu devia, e disto so a deos te
nho po testa e porẽ creo q os pagaraa e depois q vos sor fordes
paguo do q vos devo o q sobejar dareis a po meu criado gabão
d arbim q lhe mãdo dar q me ficou na cadea





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