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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1766-1771]. Carta de Vicente Salazar para Isabel Trujillo

Autor(es) Vicente Salazar      
Destinatário(s) Isabel Trujillo      
In English

Letter from Vicente Salazar to Isabel Trujillo.

The author tells Isabel de Trujillo that he will try to buy her the dress she wanted to and assures her that she will always have anything she needs.

In 1772 Isabel Trujillo appeared before court demanding Vicente Salazar´s compliance with the marriage promise he had made to her. The couple, native to Carmona, had kept a love relationship for five years. In order to prove the commitment was true, Isabel provided several letters and objects that Vicente had given her. However, at the same time that Isabel upheld her litigation before justice, another young woman appeared claiming that a similar promise had been made to her by Vicente Salazar. María de Ávila stated that she had also received a marriage promise and she had given in to Vicente´s pretentions. As a consequence, she was eight months pregnant. Isabel Trujillo argued that Vicente Salazar had promised to marry her first and doubted that María de Ávila had ever met him. The defendant, who was being held in Seville Real Audiencia´s prison, admitted the promises made to Isabel Trujillo and also that the letters and objects she presented were his. However, he did not admit having met María de Ávila. The fact that the latter left no stone unturned in her quest to achieve justice only delayed the proceeding. Throughout the litigation Isabel Trujillo kept providing letters proving her long friendship and courtship with Vicente Salazar. Despite Isabel´s arguments being solid, the witnesses presented by María de Ávila showed that she had enough reasons to demand the compliance of Vicente´s promises. In 1774 the defendant admitted he had promised to marry both women and, considering María´s circumstances, he acknowledged paternity of her child. Faced with this situation, Isabel Trujillo decided to withdraw her claim, which facilitated María and Vicente´s marriage.

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hermana de mi maior esttimazion despues de deseartte la mas perfecta salud ofrezco la que me asiste mui a tu disposizion.

hermana mia en casa e preguntado a las donzellas con el mejor modo que e podido por ver si ellas me dezian alguna cosa sobre el espolin que me dizes y beo no haver bisto ellas nada porque io les entre d este modo diziendo les havian dicho en la tienda que para dn Franco de Barrios havian traido de sevilla un bestido mui espezial y por aqui les fui diziendo por ver si hellas se declaravan en algo haora tienen vmds mui buena ocasion para comprar un bestido de espolin que bende mi Padrino dn Miguel de Roa pues su maiordomo que lo es sevastian Garzia lo havia dicho conque ni por esto ellas me dijieron nada conque lo mas zierto es que en casa no se a comprado y asi hija mia siento ynfinito de que ya que havias consentido tu en dho bestido no lo haigas logrado y asi te digo que no tengas ningun quidado que si tu quieres beras que presto te lo mando yo traer de sevilla pero beo me diras no te lo podras poner por causa de tu Padre, pero no obstante si tu quieres havisamelo y beras como a buelta de viaje lo tienes en tu casa y estaras mas gustosa por hir de mi mano que no de la de rroa.

Cielo mio no tengas ningun pesar por eso que si tu quieres veras que presto lo rremedio como llevo dicho pues yo confio en Dios que no te faltara conmigo quantos gustos tu quieras porque es zierto que cada paso te quiero mas y quisiera que cada ynstante me estubieras mandando. que para mi no hubiera mas consuelo que esto.

esta mañana estube en la casa de Antonio encavo el errero de Cobranza y tu hermano Epomuzeno estava en Combersazion con dicha Casa.

haze mucho frio y no te quiero escrivir mas Quien te quiere de Corazon es aquel que tu bien saves

Adios vida mia Prenda de mis ojos.



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