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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1681. Carta de Juan Manuel de Valenzuela Salido para Inés de Aboz y Enríquez.

Autor(es) Juan Manuel de Valenzuela Salido      
Destinatario(s) Inés de Aboz Enríquez      
In English

Letter from Juan Manuel de Valenzuela Salido to Inés de Aboz y Enríquez.

The author informs Inés de Aboz about the contacts he has had with Isabel de Ortega to try to persuade her to desist from marrying Pedro de Escobedo.

In 1682 Alonso de Herrera, chief magistrate of the Royal Chancellery in Granada investigated a case of violation in the convent of Santa Clara, in the village of Martos. The denunciation was issued by the nuns of the convent, and the people accused were Pedro de Escobedo y Cabrera, Knight of the Order of Calatrava and the most important man of Martos, together with Miguel de Ortega y Vallejo and a priest, Juan Salcedo. The three men had had forbidden relationships with three nuns: Quiteria González y Mora, Manuela de Quesada and Ana de Ortega. Private letters from Quiteria González, founded in the house of Pedro, revealed that the relationship between the two was at the origin of the whole scandal. Because of him she had left the house of his parents, and they went away from Martos for some days. When they came back, he left Quiteria in the convent and went to America, where he probably has some kind of official role. During his absence, their correspondence continued. When he came back she was already a professed nun, but this fact did not prevent them to continue their relationship. Moreover, the house of Pedro adjoined the convent, making everything even simpler. Quiteria González tried also to convince another nun, Juana de Santiago, to start a relationship with her lover, but Juana rejected the offer vehemently. The pregnancy of Quiteria González made the scandal even bigger. Another aspect of the scandal was that Pedro had illicitly married Isabel de Ortega, after raping her.

Don Pedro tried to escape justice and he hid in his house. When Alonso de Herrera went to imprison him, Pedro shot and injured de Herrera in the head. The process ended with capital punishment for Pedro, Manuel, Juan Salcedo and other people who had helped them. The sentence declared that Pedro had to be beheaded, his head had to be exposed in the highest tower of Martos and his right hand on the door of the city tobacco shop. The punishment for the nuns was decided by a separate ecclesiastic court, and we do not know anything about the sentence.

Several letters were seized from the house of Pedro de Escobedo. Among them, we can find the love letters sent to Quiteria González. Along with them, there more than 200 letters, which permit us to partially reconstruct other aspects of the life of Pedro de Escobedo, from his family life to his career. Among those letters we can find his correspondence with Juana de Cárdenas, which link this process with another brought to the Royal Council of the Military Orders, for the illicit marriage between Pedro de Escobedo and Isabel María de Ortega. Juana was responsible for the lodging of the girl, and although she should have avoided what happened, it is certain that she played an important role as intermediary.

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Mui sa mia Doy a Vmd las gracias Por la mrd que es servida haçerme con su carta de 25 del corrte que çelebro Ygualmte con las Buenas notiçias que me conduçe de su salud que pido a nro sr la continue largos y feliçes años, y Respondiendo a su contenido devo deçir a Vmd a la letra lo que e rastreado con mis consejos y ynstançias del animo de mi sa Da Ysavel; en esa villa desee paçificar las tempestades que mirava yrse criando con los disturbios d este matrimonio clandestino en la familia yllustre de Vmd Y encamine mis buenos offiçios a este fin aconsejando a mi sa Da Ysavel se escusaria muchos Pesares y lograria Ynfinitos Gustos si ponia la consideraçion en lo Vien que estaria al punto de su sangre y quietud de su conciençia si en medio de tanto Pessar tomava determinaçion de desposarse en la relixion con Jesuchristo a que me respondio sr si soy cassada como puedo ser relixiosa Y aunque le aplique muchas Y repetidas Ynstançias que pudieran sosegarle aquel escrupulo, si de alguno le naçia aquella respuesta nunca le mereçi otra.

Despues de aberle traido a este çiudad cunpliendo con lo que ofreçi a esos cavalleros deudos de Vmd e hecho estas mismas diligençias dejandolas en terminos de consejo, pero representadas con bastante biveça, para que (sin manchar mi conciençia con la menor sombra de biolençia) Pudiesen haçer el effecto a que las encaminaba i aunque no me a respondido lo mismo me a insinuado Jamas tubo ynclinaçion al estado de la rrelijion Y luego que tube la de Vmd Pase a berla y el frutto que consiguio mi suplica y consejo despues de aberle ponderado, lo aspero que se iva Poniendo este negoçio Y que tenia grande desproporçion, la pretension que se encaminava a querer goçar del estado del matrimonio que diçe tiene contraido con el sr D Po sin embargo da a entender Por el punto onrado y honesto de su credito devera dejar correr su fortuna Y soliçitar con justos medios su desempeño y el de sus honrrados Padres y deudos, esto es lo que an logrado mis buenos deseos hasta aora, quedando a la mira con mi cuidado para si tubiesen effecto las dilixençias que aplicare y encaminare a la paz que Ruego a nro sr conçeda a Vmd al sr D Diego y demas sres de la famillia PartiçiParlo Al punto para que los animos se sosieguen y çesen los sobresaltos que tan justamente ocasiona lo grave d este suçesso, en esos cavalleros deseando a este passo muy repetidas ocasiones del servo de Vmd para que mi oba corra ygual con mi obligacion Dios ge a Vmd feliçes años como deseo Andujar y Jullio 29 de 1681.

Muy señora mia B l M de Vmd su mor seror y seguro capn Ldo D Ju Manl de Valenza Salido Mi sa Da Ynes de aboz enrriquez muy sa mia



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