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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1723. Carta de Mariana Francisca dos Santos para Maria Ferreira Guedes.

Author(s) Mariana Francisca Santos      
Addressee(s) Maria Ferreira Guedes      
In English

Friendship letter from Mariana Francisca dos Santos to Maria Ferreira Guedes, a barber's wife.

The author reafirms her friendship and loyalty to the addressee, who has been accused by the Inquisition.

Maria Ferreira Guedes was accused of witchcraft by the Inquisition because she had learned to prepare a medicine from a poisonous plant, the flax-leaved daphne. She said that she did the cures with no ill intention and gave herself to the Inquisition before her neighbours would accused her. She was sentenced to two years of exile, from Oporto, where she lived, to Lamego.

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Snra Ma Frra Reçeby huma

de Vmce em que mto estimei por ne
lla dar notiçias sertas; mas em
parte com mta penna por me Re
llatar na sua padesia notaveis
queixas onde fiquei mto senti
dissima; eu de saude fico
mto pronta a seu obediençia
no que tiver prestimo
esta carta que Vmce escreveo ho
je o pe Dom Matheus foy de
tanta alegria nesta caza, que
com palavras õ nam posso expillicar
porque toda a somana nem o pe
Dom Matheus, nem eu, nem jo
zepha passamos com sosego; mas
antes com mto sentimento e Cuida
do, porque todas estas vizinhas, a
quem Vmce amava tanto e servia
publicaram pellos soalheiros, e por
toda esta prassa que Vmce esta-
va preza na inquiçizam; e
suposto que o Sor pe Dom

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