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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1823. Carta de Joaquim Maria Torres, impressor, para o Infante Dom Miguel.

Author(s) Joaquim Maria Torres      
Addressee(s) Infante Dom Miguel      
In English

Report letter from Joaquim Maria Torres, a printer, to Prince Dom Miguel.

The author reports on a meeting with a political conspirator, Cândido de Almeida Sandoval. He tells about the plans to have Portugal invaded from Spain with an Army with Masonic leaders.

These proceedings were opened in 1823 to punish a political conspiracy against the absolutist regime. Among the accused was Cândido de Almeida Sandoval, who had already been arrested by the former liberal regime for violating the Law of the Freedom of Press. Many of the accused were acquitted, but not Sandoval, who was exiled to Africa (Mozambique and Angola), where he kept ending up in jail and escaping from it. Even Jean Baptiste-Douiville (a French traveller who was in Central Africa between 1828 and 1830) met him and refers his activism in his diaries.

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Real, q hontem pelas tres horas da tarde me
dirigi a Casa de Candido d' Almeida Sandoval,
a fim de continuar com as minhas indagações
sobre a Conspiração q o dito Sandoval pertende
organizar: e travando logo conversação ácerca do
seu Projecto revolucionario, nada mais pude saber
senão q tinha hido no dia 2 do corrente mez à ou
tra- banda do Téjo, fallar com hum sujeito cha
mado Solitano; q tratára com elle negocios re
lativos á Conspiração, q lhe lêra a Proclama
ção (q remetto junta a esta participação), e q o
dito Solitano logo partira para Hespanha pa
ra de coadjuvar quanto lhe fôr possivel, os
Projectos de Sandoval. E perguntando eu ao referi
do Sandoval pela Proclamação em q me tinha
fallado, elle a foi buscar, lêo-ma com o maior
enthusiasmo, e ma entregou, dizendo-me q impri
misse 500 exemplares, q havião ficar na mão
de alguns Indivduos aqui em Lisboa, para
as espalharem quando nos retirassemos para
Escaropim; porêm q deviamos fazer outras

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