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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1796. Carta de Cipriano Ribeiro Freire, ministro plenipotenciário, para Dom João de Almeida de Melo e Castro, diplomata.

Author(s) Cipriano Ribeiro Freire      
Addressee(s) João de Almeida de Melo e Castro      
In English

Recommendation letter from Cipriano Ribeiro Freire, plenipotentiary minister in Philadelphia, to Dom João de Almeida de Melo e Castro, the Portuguese plenipotentiary minister in London.

The author recommends the letter porter to the addressee. He is Rufus King, the new diplomat sent from the United States to London.

João de Almeida de Melo e Castro (1756-1814), the 5th Count of the House of Galveias, was a Portuguese diplomat who, given the pluri-continental nature of the monarchy he represented, had to be very subtle, while dealing with foreign powers, in the management of the resulting Portuguese political ambiguity. He was a plenipotentiary minister in London, the Hague and Rome and an ambassador in Vienna. After 1801 he had different government functions: foreign affairs minister, war minister, navy and overseas minister. He had also several honorary titles. He married Dona Isabel José de Meneses but they had no children, so the 6th Count of Galveias was his brother Francisco (1758-1819).

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Illmo e Exmo Snr D João de Almeida de Mello e Castro. Illmo e Exmo Snr

Meu Amigo e Sr do meu maior respeito e venam. Estando a partir para essa Corte o Sr Rufus king, Ex-senador dos Estados Unidos, e Ministro- Pleni-potenciario junto de S M Brittannica; não pósso dispensar-me de introduzir ao conhecimento de V Exa huma pessoa do merecimento mais distinto, e das mais estimaveis qualidades; persuadido de que V Exa me ficará agradecido, se lhe adianto de alguns momentos a vantagem de o tratar, e de lhe mostrar a sua particular amizade, de que elle he muito digno. E por todas as demonstraçoens de obsequio que se dignar fazer-lhe, me confessarei eternamente obrigado a V Exa, a cujas ordens fico sempre muito prompto com a mais fiel e reconhecida vontade. Deos guarde a V Exa m a

Philadelphia 28 de Maio de 1796. De V Exa O mais revte Venor obgdo Amo e obede C Cypriano Ribeiro Freire



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