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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1606. Billete de María Vargas para Julio de Trassierra.

Autor(es) María Vargas      
Destinatario(s) Julio de Trassierra      
In English

Letter from María Vargas to Julio de Trassierra.

The author requests Julio de Trassierra to send a letter for her.

The accused in this process was Pedro Gonçalves. In 1608 he was accused of bigamy by the Inquisition Tribunal. He was from Algoso, Portugal, where he got married with Maria Vaz, with which he had a daughter named Maria. After four years of living together, he left Algoso, abandoning his wife, and went to live in Montilla and Montemayor (Andalusia). A «morisca» woman introduced him to her daughter, María de Vargas. Afterwards, while he was imprisoned in Montilla, he got married with this girl. During the interrogatories, he stated that he feared for his life and wanted to leave the prison as soon as possible. He left the prison and he married María de Vargas, but after one month he left her to come back to Algoso with his first wife. He was arrested by the Inquisition and imprisoned in Coimbra in 1608. Eventually, he was sentenced to five years of prison, to be flogged in the streets of Coimbra and to return to live in Algoso after the end of the punishment.

This letter is written in the same sheet of paper of its answer.

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señor juo de trassiera sirbase vmd de enbiarme esa carta que vmd dice trujo de castilla para p gonçales qu es cosa que me inporta saber lo que vmd dijo y nuestro señor ge a vmd montilla setienbre 17 1606 años

maria de bargas

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