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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1725]. Carta de [Duarte Rebelo de Mendonça], tratante, para destinatário desconhecido.

Autor(es) Duarte Rebelo de Mendonça      
Destinatario(s) Anónimo413      
In English

Letter of acknowledgement from [Duarte Rebelo de Mendonça], a salesman, to a non-identified addressee.

Using of elaborate politeness, the author thanks the addressee for all the help he received from him.

Two New Christians, António Soares de Mendonça and his son Duarte Rebelo de Mendonça, were arrested by the Inquisition under the accusation of publicly offending the fiscal behavior of the institution’s officials. The son, while in prison, used a maid to carry his messages to his family and friends and was denounced by her to the same court.

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