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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1621]. Carta de Guiomar de Sá para Francisco de Matos.

Author(s) Guiomar de Sá      
Addressee(s) Francisco de Matos      
In English

Family letter from Guiomar de Sá to Francisco de Matos

The author asks for news about her brother.

Vasco de Oliveira was accused of Judaism. Two letters written by his sister, Guiomar de Sá, were found in the process.

«I always believed you would send me news from my brother and tell me how he left that land. I didn’t write sooner because I was in bed, due to five bloodlettings and other illnesses, all caused by my brother’s absence and the misfortune it caused, because God protected me from so many troubles so that I could face this bigger problem; may Go be praised. I’ll talk to Mr. Francisco de Matos to see how he can talk to my brother, and, as I know what he wanted from you, I talk this way and I’ll remember all the things that are dear to him, so that I can provide them if I can. And, therefore, I ask you to never forget such a good friend, as he is, and to ask God to guide him and to give him what he deserves. I make the same remark to your fellow lady, reminding her that I’m her servant and I don’t forget the many obligations my brother told he had to you. I take those obligations as my own to serve them always. Now, let me know news about Sá Ferreira and the others, so that I can know what to do. The letter that goes with this one, I ask you to send it or hand it in to someone who goes, because I don’t want anyone to see it. I’ll ask you nothing else, because I know it’s unnecessary. Luís Pereira kisses your hand a thousand times and I do the same to that lady; may Our Lord keep you both.

Mrs. Guiomar de Sá»

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Text: -

senpre me pareseu q vm me fizese m algum destes dias mandar novas de meu irmão e o como se partira desa terra q eu não escreverei mais sedo por estar numa cama sangrada sinco vezes e con muitos males todos causados da ausensia de meu irmão e na q desaventura q foi cauza dele q me guardou ds de tantos travalhos pa chegar a ver tan grande seja ds con tudo louvado
falo con o snor frco de matos como podera falar con meu irmão e porq eu sei o q ele queria a vm falo desta feisão e la me de lenbrar senpre todas as couzas a q ele he afeisoado pa as servir no q eu puder
e asin peso a vm q se não esquesa numca de tão bom amigo como ele he pa o encomendar a ds o encaminha e lhe de o q ele merese
a snra sua comadre faso a mesma lenbransa e q ache q tem em min hũa serta cativa porq me não esqueso das mutas obrigasois q meu irmão de contino me manifestava tinha a vms
esas me ficão a minha conta pa as servir senpre
agora me fasa vm m avizar couzas asin de sa ferreira como o demais pa eu saber o q devo fazer
esa carta q ai vai con esta me fara vm m mandar ou dar a quem vai na sua a propria mão porq não queria q ninguem a vise
não encomendo mais porq sei não he nesesario
luis pa beija mil vezes a mão a vm e heu faso o mesmo a esa senhora cujas pesoas noso snor guarde
dona guiomar de saa

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