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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1619]. Carta de Gabriel Dias para o seu filho, Gaspar Fernandes de Leão, mercador.

Author(s) Gabriel Dias      
Addressee(s) Gaspar Fernandes de Leão      
In English

Family letter from Gabriel Dias to his son, Gaspar Fernandes de Leão.

The author asks his son not to tell the Inquisition that his brother has some possessions.

Gaspar Fernandes de Leão was arrested by the Inquisition on January 14, 1619, being accused of Judaism. He had just begun to learn Latin when he was arrested. He was tortured in order to tell the truth, and later condemned to jail and spiritual penances at the will of the inquisitors, and to pay 20 "escudos" destined to the poor prisoners, among other punishments. His father, Gabriel Dias, wrote some letters and gave them to one of the prison's guards, for him to deliever them to his son. This guard, however, gave the letters to the Inquisition instead. Gabriel Dias later died in Cape Verde, when he went there to bring back home one of his sons.

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filhovoso Irmão vos pede que se vos falaren nele não diguais q ten vida senão que he pobre seis filhos filho levai sentido que loguo vos an de dizer se tendes huã ou duas testemunhas he lẽbrevos aquela mulher he todos seus Irmãos he se vos falarẽ na ida que a levaves dizei que seu marido vos mãdou chamar a vosa caza por ele ser homiziado he vos pidiu que a truxeses naquele barquo cõvosquo pa farão he nesa tensão vos metes ela no barquo pa a trazeres pa farão filho no Jubão q vos novo que vos mãdar ha de Ir não sei quantos vinteis



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