Author(s) |
Bernardo Alegre Verragudo
Addressee(s) |
José Valdés
In English
| Letter from Bernardo Alegre Verragudo, doctoral canon in the cathedral of Astorga, to José Valdés, public prosecutor of the Royal Chancellery in Valladolid.
Bernardo Alegre informs José Valdés that he has contacted the magistrate of the Royal House Court, named Colón, to find a solution for the case of Petronila Alegre, and that there was the possibility to take her to a hospice.
In 1790 the tribunal of the bishopric of Valladolid brought a lawsuit against Manuel Felipe García, priest of the parish of San Esteban, and Petronila Alegre, a single woman resident in the same city, for unlawful relationships. The case was then referred to the Chancellery of Valladolid where the testimonies of various witnesses were ratified. Petronila Alegre confessed that she had maintained a love relationship with Manuel Felipe García for almost fifteen years. At the beginning of their relationship, Petronila lived with her parents and she had been courted by Manuel Felipe, who had not taken vows yet, to the point that both discussed the possibility of getting married. However, the family disagreed with that possibility. A few years later, after the death of the parents of Petronila, the relationship resulted in closer contact that led to her pregnancy. On the 29th of January, 1790 the defendant gave birth to a girl who deposited at the Foundling House of the same city, and, after the postpartum quarantine, the lawsuit was bought against her and Manuel Felipe García. When asked about her source of income after the death of her parents, Petronila mentioned two members of the clergy who had allegedly helped her economically. The magistrate of the Chancellery, José Valdés, contacted them, and this brief epistolary exchange was included in the proceedings. The resolution of the case was settled with the separation of the lovers and the cloistering of Manuel Felipe García.
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Mui sr mio teniendo presente los singulares favores, que he me
recido a VS en la causa consabida de Da Petronila Alegre aborreci
da por todos los suios, como su Pe difunto, en el supuesto, de que creo a VS
informado de qto tengo escrito en este asunto al sr Penitenciario de esa
Sta Iglesia Cath participo a VS las resultas de mi ultima diligencia, que
se reducen, i son, a que despues de haver respondido el sr Colon Alcalde de
Corte a mi Ajente a mediado de Agosto, que evacuada la Causa de el
asesino de el excmo sr Conde de FloridaBlanca, la que despacharia
en breve, pasaria a dar mi memorial al sr governador de el Consejo para
su determinacion, i haviendo dado aviso, de lo que deliberaria la sala a ins
tancia de el sr Presidente de esa Rl Chancilleria, viendo no se la daba qu
anto antes el destino correspondiente, resolvio decir a dho Ajente me escri
viese embiase io otro memorial con expresion, de lo que pasaba en el dia
i de todas las circunstancias, que ocurran, o que remitiese una firma en
blanco para ponerle, como le parezca, a esto ultimo no me resolvi por las
posibles contingencias, que otro dia podrian resultar contra mi a causa de
lo falible de nuestra vida, i su incertidumbre, pero si remito en este correo
otro memorial a mi ajente comprehensivo de todo lo referido, como le pre
vino dho sr Colon, quedando acordes con señalamiento de hora
todo lo qu-
al pongo en noticia de VS, a quien tributo las mas reverentes gracias por las
finezas, que se ha servido franquearme, i comunicarme, lo que no he eje-
cutado antes por no molestar a VS con cartas dilatorias, i de ningun efec
to, bien es, que me temo acaso sea la resolucion de el sr governador de el Con
sejo embiar por esta Persona a esa, i llevarla al Hospicio de la Corte con
separacion de las demas, segun algo se conjetura de la Carta de mi Ajen
Con este motivo me ofrezco a las Ordenes, i preceptos de VS, a quien de-
seo corresponder agradecido incesantemente, en qto penda de mi arbitrio, i
ruego al sr gde a VS ms añs Astorga i Octe 1o de 1790
su mas obligdo servr i Cappn
Dn Berndo Alegre
Sr Dn Jph Valdes