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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1702. Carta de José Manem para Francisco Mendes de Castro.

Autor(es) José Manem      
Destinatário(s) Francisco Mendes de Castro      
In English

Private letter from José Manem to Francisco Mendes de Castro.

The author asks the recipient for advice and help, since he has not received the money Diogo Mendes Sola owes him and which he needs.

The defendant in this process is Álvaro Nicolau Nogueira, a businessman resident in Lisbon, arrested by the Inquisition for Judaism in 1704, along with his three sisters. Their process opens with a long defense letter, delivered to the Inquisition table by the father João Ribeiro in August 1704, accompanied by three sheets with several missives that should serve to support certain statements made in the point 16 of the same letter. According to this point, the brothers Jorge Mendes Nobre, lawyer, and Diogo Mendes Sola, captain of horses, also arrested by the Inquisition for Judaism and who are witnesses against the defendant, were enemies of Álvaro Nicolau Nogueira and his brother, Francisco Mendes de Castro, also a businessman in Lisbon. The two brothers had asked them for bail money several times, but as they did not pay what they owed, Álvaro Nicolau Nogueira and Francisco Mendes de Castro failed to accept their applications, cutting off relations with them. The five letters included in the process are related to this hostility between the two intervening parts.

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Texto: -

Meu sr os dias paçados estive Com diogo Mendes de solla o qual me diçe esperava dro da terra
e buscandoo hum dia destes me deu pocas esperan-ças de q poderia dar o dro
em cujos termos me he neçessario q VM me avise o q ei de obrar neste particular q eu não quero q sobre a divida mais a Carregan-do de juros q nem esses pagou
e eu tambem me quero valer do meu pera aCudir a algum empenho q tenho q ja o anno paçado me ficou o dro empatado e isto não tem nenhũ e visto VM estar de premeio não quero fazer nada sem avizo de VM
alem de que a pessoa a quem se pedio esse dro me esta apertando e he capas de descompor hũa pessoa
asim q fio de VM remedee per hora este empenho q não he tão grande q VM o não remedee q eu tenho feito o q pude
em tanto pera o q valer do servo de VM fico serdo cuja pessoa de a gde
caza quartafra 8 de mrço 1702
Servidor de VM Joseph Manem

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