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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1707. Carta de Juan Francisco Domínguez de Orellana para Manuel Ayala Salcedo.

Author(s) Juan Francisco Domínguez de Orellana      
Addressee(s) Manuel Ayala Salcedo      
In English

Letter from Francisco Domínguez de Orellana to Manuel Ayala Salcedo.

The author confesses to the addressee that certain incriminating words against Gregorio Páez attributed to him are false. He transmit what he really listened to regarding that proceeding and expresses his intention to declare it.

In 1707, Simón Izquierdo, an apostolic notary, brought an action against Gregorio Páez de Saavedra following an accusation for disloyalty. The defendant requested the trial to be brought before the Military Orders Council, since he was a knight. Despite his petition, he was arrested and taken to Madrid and his properties were seized by order of Simón Izquierdo. Through the hearings of witnesses, Gregorio´s connexions and faults were exposed. On the one hand, it was found out he was the duke of Infantado´s servant, whose cattle he was taking care of; likewise, it was also emphasized his friendship with the count of Corzana, who had recommended him long before he passed through Portugal. Also, some witnesses assured that Gregorio had publically manifested his sympathy and partiality towards the archduke, whom he called Carlos III. As a result of the confiscation of his properties, several letters were seized and the defendant´s brother, Sebastián Páez, was arrested and questioned about Gregorio´s connexions. However, Gregorio argued he was innocent and blamed Simón Izquierdo of intimidating and turning the witnesses against him. There was then a proceeding against Simón Izquierdo, Bartolomé de Jaraquemada and Domingo Pacheco, who was appointed as Gregorio Páez´s seized revenues administrator. The latter run away before having to declare about his administration. Simon Izquierdo´s machinations with the witnesses were uncovered thanks to a memorial and some letters presented before the tribunal. Besides, other witnesses corroborated the previous enmity between Bartolomé de Jaraquemada and Gregorio Páez resulting from a favour of the latter with the duke of Infantado. Gregorio Páez tried to be economically compensated, claiming not only his seized properties, but also what Simón Izquierdo had spent when he used his house in Colmenar Viejo.

This letter was provided together with PSCR7601 and a memorial addressed to the duchess of Infantado in which Simón Izquierdo´s manipulations in the proceeding against Gregorio Páez were exposed. The memorial read as follows: Distinguished Madam. Francisco Fernández Silva, a vassal of yours, I´m at your feet and say: I have been told that in the deposition I made in Gregorio Páez´s trial I apparently said things offending him and my lord the duke. That is false, what I said was that during the reign of Carlos II, my lord and king, I had heard that some foal from the Corzana house were together with the ones of your house. And regarding Gregorio Páez, I only said that I heard saying he had taken a calf to the marquis of La Mina. And that is all I said. With time, I will tell who induced me to speak and I swear this is the truth. I swear before God and this cross. And as I do not know how to sign, I asked Pedro de Antequera and Francisco García del Roble to sign it on my behalf and they both swore by God and the cross. We have been asked to sign it and so we do under this truth: Don Pedro de Antequera. Francisco García del Roble".

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Text: -

Ave Ma Ssma
Mui Sr mio
mucho siento q la primera vez q escrivo a Vm sea en cosas de poco gusto, pero ya suçedido el casso sea como fuere la materia cumplire con mi obligazion, de christiano, sazerdote, y Religiosso,
y puede ser que de esto se siga algo q sea de el servizio de Vm a que estare siempre como deseo.
Digo Sr A llegado a mi notizia q en la sumaria q se hizo a el sr Don gregorio, me an zitado diziendo q yo avia oido dezir a este cavallero q avia de azer aorcar a Pedro Marcos y a otros dos
y Juro im Vervo saterdotis y por la cruz q traigo al pecho q dha proposizion es falsa
ni yo e oido tal a Dn gregorio porq lo que yo e oido y dho es q Po Marcos avia dho q Dn gregorio dezia, q se la avia de pagar asi, el susodho como otros sujetos de Colmenar;
y esto es lo zierto
y lo dijo en publico en su fragua en presenzia de muchos
y esto testificare, siempre q me alle com preçepto de mi prelado, o de Juez q me la pueda mandar por ser asi la Verdad, y por no ser Razon que por una proposizion mal entendida y por eso viziada padezca la inozenzia, y mas siendo persona de su graduazion Y cosa tocante a Vm a quien yo no e servido asta aora.
Y gusto de q sepa deseo servirle en todo lo lizito, y q cabe en este abito y en la profesion de orador evangelico, aunq yo no lo merezca
gde Dios a Vm ms as
Colmenar Viejo y Junio 7 de 1707
Siervo y capellan de Vm q s M B fr franco Dominguez de Orellana Sr D Manuel de Ayala Salzedo

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