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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Sentence view

1633. Carta de don Rodrigo de Mendoza, duque del Infantado, para don Juan de Escobar, tesorero.

Author(s) Rodrigo de Mendoza      
Addressee(s) Juan de Escobar      
In English

Letter from Rodrigo de Mendoza, duke of Infantado, to Juan de Escobar, a treasurer.

The author thanks Juan de Escobar for his management for the duchess´ funeral ceremonies and he asks for certain errands regarding his clothes.

In 1637 Juan de Escobar sued the duke of Infantado regarding a donation made on February the 1st 1633. The duke was bound to pay Escobar a lifelong pension of 500 ducats per year for his services. The aforementioned pension not only referred to his treasurer functions, but also to the financial support that Escobar had given to the duke while his grandmother and his father, the duchess Ana and the marquis of Saldaña respectively, were still alive. Despite these premises, the duke did not comply with his obligations and argued that Escobar had achieved great profits throughout his time as a treasurer, likewise he argued that the financial support was given in accordance with obligations under his own patrimony. Juan de Escobar emphasized the good work he had carried out for the house of Infantado and also his family´s work (his wife had been the countess of Saldaña´s assistant). He provided accounts and several letters in which different people mentioned his good job and the duke´s intention to favour him. The treasurer´s own annotations in the letters pointed out their authors´ inconsistencies, who wrote one thing and then testified another during the questionings.

In the superscript of the letter transcribed in here, Juan de Escobar wrote: "Letter from the duke, August 11th. He thanks me for my care and tells me his grandmother´s passing away is not a reason to stop and now I will have more work to do. And he will send me the proxy and the way to do it."

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Text: -

Muy agradecido estoy del Travajo y Cuydado Con que abeis dispuesto tambien todas las casas
Con los paños y bayetas que llegan se hira haciendo lo mas que se pueda
y por Vida Vra que deis prisa a lo Restante.
Parezeme bien el conçierto del Colgar la yglesia:
pa los pobres no es menester ynbieis nada que aca se a buscado aComodando los paños que heran de mi aguela
Las Tachuelas seran de Carda para El ataud
En quanto al Poder que deçis aVisad de que Cantidad y en La manera que a de ir y en el modo que teneis hecho el Concierto
AÇed Una cartera de Terçiopelo de Color para la duquessa y enbiasela luego: y dos de Cuero: abiertas Como corporales pa mi
Dezid a franco manuel que la falda del monxil y manto de la duquesa a de ser mas largo que el que hizo pa la muerte del Conde mi sor asi el de bayeta Como el de Lanilla
querria mucho que mañana a la tarde se hiçiese el entierro q El Cuerpo no da mas lugar
Aqui se ha de Ver Vra gran diligençia en remitirme todo lo que falta
por Vida Vra q lo hagais.
Dios os gde
En Guadalajara 11 de agto de 1633
hazedme haçer Un sello de las Armas de Mendoça y luna con el Auto de alcantara
y que diga alrededor Don Ro de Mendoça setimo Duque del Infantado y El tamaño Va con esto
El marqs duq
Juzgamos q la musica de san Bartolome pudiera asistir al entierro y novenario
esto no ha sido posible por los inconvenientes que se han ofreçido.
en todo casso me conçertad musica y si no pudieredes de capillas sea de los frayles agustinos o merçenarios
Dalde luego ese pliego a mi sra la Princesa
D Ju de escobar

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