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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1745. Carta de Francisca Josefa do Evangelista, freira, para João dos Querubins, padre confessor.

Author(s) Francisca Josefa do Evangelista      
Addressee(s) João dos Querubins      
In English

Private letter from Francisca Josefa do Evangelista, nun, to João dos Querubins, confessor.

The author states that she will despair if they do not take her out of the hell she living in the convent. She also says that she does not give the recipient permission to disclose this matter to anyone, other than the Inquisition.

The defendant in this process is Francisca Josefa do Evangelista, a nun in the Order of St. Francis, who was born and who resided in Abrantes. Though she was the daughter of Feliciano Mendes da Rocha (muleteer) and Maria da Silva, Francisca Josefa do Evangelista was raised from an early age by Leonor Catarina do Avelar, the widow of Francisco Soares Galhardo, who had no children of her own. When Francisca was 17 or 18 years old, she went to the convent, where she professed her faith and from where she never got out again. Accused of witchcraft, heresy and sacrilege, the defendant was arrested on August 3, 1745. On December 17, 1745, she was sent to prison in her monastery, described as very wet, narrow and with low light, and forbidden to see or talk to anyone besides the nun who held the key to her cell and brought her food. During all this time, she was obliged to fast on bread and water, alternating fasts with two or three days of normal eating. In her letters, which were given to the table of the Inquisition by the recipients, Francisca Josefa do Evangelista shows her desire to be transferred to another monastery, claiming that the nuns of her current one wanted to kill her. She also said that she once had given her food to a dog and he died soon after, which would be evidence of an attempt to poison her. At issue were still other behaviors of the defendant, namely: a) in her letters she said that she mocked the Holy Office; b) she had given a profane use to the consecrated particles; c) she stated that she had had intercourse with the devil and experienced a delivery every three months, giving birth to hideous creatures; d) she had made a covenant with the devil, making a written statement with her menstrual blood, and had made novenas to St. Helena in conjunction with the repetition of the same covenant; e) she tried to know the future through a profane divining formula that involved fresh eggs in a glass with water; f) she wrote a small book of prayers that she herself had adulterated; g) she had had lustful dreams with the devil in human form in the figure of a black man. Still, the defendant later dismissed what she had said, claiming to have invented everything just to be moved to another convent. The doctors trained at the University of Coimbra, António dos Santos (family member of the Holy Office, cousin of the defendant and who participated in some of the letters) and João Gomes Pimenta Grandio, attested on October 29, 1745, that the defendant was mentally well and that there had never been signs of mental disorders. In the process, however, it is also said that the defendant used to leave the convent shouting, declaring that they wanted to kill her in there, and that she had already shown a priest one paper with the blood pact she had made with the devil. On February 14, 1746, the defendant was sentenced to the payment of the court costs, to spiritual penances. She also could not go to the bars for a period of six months.

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Reverendisimo pe e Snr asim por emvitar gastos ao musteiro como por não aclarar mais a estas senhoras, se he posivel o poder ser, me rezolvo a dizer a vosa Reverendisima por letra debacho de comsiençia q dizem estas senhoras q em vosa Reverendisima se retirando me an de comsomir
isto não o dise huã nem duas mas dise em cuma de sorte q eu mesma o perzensiei e ouvi q so asim despicão
asim igual afronta q lhe fis nesta vinda de vosa revendisima a este musteiro a meu rispeito
e asim desdigo da comfição q tenho feito portestando a vosa reverendisima nunca fazela verdadeira senão no mesmo sto tribunal
e se neste comvento, me dilatarem com os emfalives perjuizos da minha vida renegar totalmte perdendo não so o corpo mas a mesma alma cuja roina de meu corpo e comdenação da minha alma emcarrego, nas suas comsiençias pois não atendem a minha alma e sosego e salvação dela antepondo ao aproveitamto dela, couzas q com o tempo pasão e alma se perde huã ves, não se ricupera outra
e asim ela esta chamando vosa reverendisima com obrigasois e todo o sto tribunal tão istreitas de me acudirem
veja o q rezolve q se não for tirarme deste imferno sertamte dezespero e me perco pa sempre pois outro remedio não tenho
e saibo asim reverendisimo pe e não trate de porfias q a perzistençia nelas he sem nenhuã duvida cauza do final persepisio da minha alma e corpo
e esta comfição q lhe faso da minha comsiençia e debacho dela so lhe dou faculdade pa aperzentala o Sto ofisio e não, pa comonicala a pesoa alguma nem os mesmo menistros q a vossa reverendisisma, acompanhão
pois estta isto em termos q athe ja ca se sabe q eu fis petição ao Sto tribunal pelo q istou perdida se vosa reverendisima me não acode mto a tempo com o remedio referido,
pois lhe juro pelos Stos Emvangelios outro não tenho, por todas as razois forsozas humas q tenho dito e outras q não poso dizer
asim veja reverendisimo pe e Snr, antes q eu renegue e de todo me perca, como me vale
N S.
De Soror Franca jozepha do Evanga
e tambem adevirto a vosa reverendisima q a quererem atender as suas comsiençias, como estão obrigadas a minha salvação, q a de ser não vindo ca dentro e com o maior disfarse pois dizem ca nos termos de quererem tirar pelo Sto ofisio alguã relegioza digo eu q sou a delinquente, pois todas as mais são perfeitas o não an de comsentir asim
reverendo Snr veja como me acode e cude em cosiençia na brevidade deste cazo o mais apertadisimo,
ponha os olhos na minha alma com a reta comsiençia q deve pois a tempo lhe pede
o remedio não consinta q se perca, pois so no imferno não ha redenção
e eu levada inda pera as mais crueis pinitençias q mereser
como la a minha alma não tem os discontos q ca tem de perderse e so he padeser o corpo tudo me sera suave pela minha salvação,
e sabem tambem todos, q saberao sou eu so a emfame
acabandoseme este imferno pa honrra e gloria de Ds, e salvação minha alma livrome com a devina graça de perderme
e o tempo cala o pasado asim q se for dezatendida esta minha tão justa petição como dependente o salvarme ou não salvarme
ao tribunal devino recorro a pedir justiça sobre as suas comsiençias, pa q se me negarem a justiça ele ma fasa
idao preco biatem maria semper virgine tibi pater orare prome, dominum deo nostrum
Soror Franca jozepha do Evanga

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