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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1829. Carta de Ana Matilde da Fonseca Góis para José Paulo Andrade Queirós.

Autor(es) Ana Matilde da Fonseca Góis      
Destinatário(s) José Paulo Andrade Queirós      
In English

Letter from Ana Matilde da Fonseca Góis to her brother José Paulo Andrade Queirós.

The author sends her brother his allowance as well as some socks. She tells him that two acquaintances of them both have been arrested.

In 1829 a solicitor was arrested in Lisbon because he announced to a soldier -- a drummer -- that his Regiment was in the imminence of marching to Braga. In order to prove this piece of information, he showed him some subversive leaflets. In his house another manuscript was apprehended, but the accused defended himself saying that he himself had written it in a state of hallucination.

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Texto: -

Meu Mano do coracao
recebi a tua carta a qul Mto i mto istime i toda a noca familia de caber das tuas boas Notias
que paces be de saude i nos recomendamos Mto i mto caudozas
Ai te remeto dois pares de mais
nao podem ir mais agora
la mais dihete remeterei u rresto
ai te remetemos a tua rrenda pelo mesmo portador
manda dezer c esa tera goza de mais socego du que esta
Manoel joze quelemente i ceo conhado istao perezos
ADeos que nao so mais istenca
sou tua Mana Muito Amte Anna Methlde da Fonceca gois

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