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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1540. Carta Fernão Mendes, procurador, para um destinatário anónimo, membro da Inquisição.

Author(s) Fernão Mendes      
Addressee(s) Anónimo      
In English

Private information from Fernão Mendes, an attorney, to a non identified addressee.

The author tells the addressee that his defendant wants to confess his guilt.

Most of the letters that were included as instrumental evidence in the Inquisition proceedings against Simão Franco were written by the defendant's attorney, Fernão Mendes, and were addressed to the Inquisitor in charge, João de Melo. They contain some pressure in favor of the defendant. Simão Franco started by denying that he practiced Judaism, stating that the witnesses who were accusing him were his capital enemies, but ended by admitting his guilt.

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Simão frãco pso na cadea da sancta inquisição me mãdou ora diz q lhe notificarão hũa sẽtẽça p q o ẽtregavão aa curia secular apellãdo elle pa o serenissimo sor Iffe petie apostollos reverẽtialles sepe deferatur apellatio in forma solita. Jũte Vm esto ao e mãdeo ao sor douctor jo de mello q pnũsie sua mçe sobre esta apellação poq este homẽ tẽ quẽ po elle faça cousa algũa pa ir requerer auda/ ou qm mãde dar sua mçe a vta pa se acõselhar o q ha de fazer poq me dise ora seu requerẽte q quer pedir mesiricordia e pdão de seu pecado e tẽdoo fco cõsultalloei elle fara o q quiser destas duas cousas.



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