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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1795-1805]. Carta de Atanasio Martínez (Zamarra) para fray Felipe de los Rubielos, franciscano descalzo.

Author(s) Atanasio Martínez      
Addressee(s) Felipe de los Rubielos      
In English

Letter from Atanasio Martínez (Zamarra) to friar Felipe de los Rubielos, Discalced Franciscan.

The author describes Felipe de los Rubielos the details of his fasting.

The accused in this process was María Isabel Herráiz, the Blessed from Villar del Águila. Between 1802 and 1808 she was accused of being a «alumbrada». It was a wide process, that included many other people connected with the woman, which were accused of being accomplices in the illusions of Maria Isabel Herráiz. She believed that Jesus Christ was in her, so she could not receive communion. Even some of the other accused claimed that they had seen the Christ Child on the chest of the woman. When she abjured, she acknowledged all the mistakes she was accused of, but she claimed that the evil had been the cause of all the signs that she had received, of all the revelations and visions that she had thought were true and sent by God. The same happened with the belief that María Isabel Herráiz had that the Lord had placed Himslef on her chest and embodied Himself in her in order to carry out a general reform in the world, for the establishment of a new Apostolate. She had believed that she would die in Rome and her body would go up into the Heaven on the third day, as she believed was announced in the Apocalypse and other holy books. María Isabel Herráiz claimed that she had had all these thoughts because of the devil, who had transformed her imagination and obfuscated her to prevent her from discovering the deception. She claimed that her accomplices had been found and convinced by her. In his statement she claimed that she had not made any pact with the devil, because she was possessed by it. However, she admitted that she had allowed to be worshipped, but that too had been caused by the devil. and that the same could be said about the riots that occurred in her village.

Both Atanasio Martínez and Felipe Rubielos were among the apostles of the Blessed. This letter was seized from Atanasio Martínez. He was arrested for false revelation, worship and adoration of the Blessed María Isabel Herráiz, and for these reasons he was reprimanded and exiled for eight years from Cuenca and Villar del Águila.

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Alavado sea nro s J Sacdo y S P m Carisimo pe m

e cumplido lo que Vm me dijo; y se me a manifestado fue por cinco dias y cinco noches seguidos el ayuno: conforme a esto fue cumplido ayer: mas e pedido al sor que si fuese de su divino agrado y veneplazito proseguira asta la vispera o dia de nra P m tomando al medio dia yervas y frutas y lo mismo pr colacion; y tambien me a conzedido otro mas Superior: prque aviendome umillado en su amorosa presa y pedido perdon porqe dias pasados exijio de mi un pequeño sacrificio de que no comiese una poca de carne le pedi señas Ynteriormte y me las dio claras, mas mi inglatitud y deslealtad fue tanta que acoxiendome a que yo tenia que alimentar el cuerpo no le di este gusto. En retribucion de esta ingratitud, e ofrecido al sor que si es agradable a su Smo veneplacito renunciava pa spre el tomar otra cosa que yervas y frutas, y estas las mas umildes, o pr mejor decir seguir toda la vida conforme a la gra conzedida de estos 3 dias y su divina m se a servido decirme no era acertado, pero me concedia el seguir su orn en la nueva forma: tomando del puchero de la vianda, y no de la carne: aora me parece se aumenta que los dias que no sean de ayuno, tome yervas ó frutas pr desayuno: El vino generoso y bizcochos e pedido al sor se distribuyese para un pobre y me parece se me a concedido aunque de esto deja una amplia libertad Salio el sol resplandeciente y mui claro esta madrugada; y de todo estoy ciertisimo y asegurado y suplico a Vms PP ms den por mi las mas gratas alavanzas a nro amoroso pe. Estoy fuertisimo en el sor y su purisima madre, y pido le colme a Vm de sus divinas bends amen y a nro carisimo y amado f R. Sirvase Vm ver la adjunta y leerla



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