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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1697. Carta del licenciado Bernardo Morate para el doctor Francisco Martínez de León.

Author(s) Bernardo Morate      
Addressee(s) Francisco Martínez León      
In English

Letter from Bernardo Morate to Francisco Martínez de León, a doctor.

The author apologises to Francisco Martínez León for taking so long to answer and asks him to wait for the grain gathering period for collecting the debt.

In 1697 Francisco Martínez de León, a doctor from Colmenar de Oreja, tried to collect the money from a debt owed by the village of Belmonte de Tajo for providing care to the sick. The debt consisted in 872 reals of fleece. He appointed his son, who was a theology student at the University of Alcala de Henares, as his proxy in order to proceed with the litigation for collecting the debt. Bartolomé Martínez de León, the doctor´s son, supported his claim in some letters addressed to his father from Juan Antonio del Manzano, the mayor from the village, and also from Morate, a lawyer. Both letters certified the existence of the debt and constituted enough proof to prosecute the economic claim, despite the authors having stated their disagreement. Nevertheless, the appeal focused on the request of inhibition from the tribunal in Alcala. Francisco Martínez de León was deemed to have acted with malice by using his son to issue the lawsuit and it was demanded for the trial to be brought before civil justice.

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Mui señor mio el cargo que vmd haçe a estos señores del ayuntamiento d esta villa, lo me debe haçer a mi porque la que vmd les ymbio el dia onçe d este presente mes me mandaron respondiesse y como la memoria es tan frajil se me passo y oi dia de la fha d esta me han dado las graçias por haber tenido otra y assi vmd no los culpe, si a mi solo, y en quanto la Respuesta que me an dado para que se la Partiçipe a vmd es que estan con gran desseo de cumplir con vmd mas que no es possible hasta que se cojan los Granos (que ya pareçe estan çerca) por los pocos Possibles en que al presente se allan los veçinos que lo deben; Y en esta consideraçion Podra vmd tener Paçiençia y perdonar por el tiempo Referido quedo al serbiçio de vmd a quien gde Dios ms as velmonte de tajo y junio 23 de 97

Por mdo d esta va como sdor de vmd y s m b licdo Morate Sr doctor franco Mz de leon



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