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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1678. Carta de Diego Asensio de Vicuña para Antonio de Amilleta y Vidarte.

Author(s) Diego Asensio de Vicuña      
Addressee(s) Antonio de Amilleta y Vidarte      
In English

Letter from Diego Asensio de Vicuña to Antonio de Amilleta y Vidarte.

Diego Asensio de Vicuña gives Antonio de Amilleta y Vidarte news about his fellow citizens. He also gives him some messages from other people and informs him about his situation after the crime problems he had.

On the 5th of August, 1678, Manuel de Gaviria, Diego de Vicuña, José de Veragua, Antonio de Amilleta y Vidarte and Don Diego Ignacio de Burgos went out in the streets of Vergara (Guipúzcoa) playing music, making a lot of noise and causing a scandal. They arrived at the spring of Iturriozaga, entered the house of Nicolás Antonio de Madariaga, Knight of Santiago, and stole some chickens. The owner denounced the theft and, as a revenge, they wrote and made public a defaming text. In addition to verbal insults, on the 7th of August they attacked Nicolás Antonio de Madariaga, who was hit by a stone on the head, a blow that left him badly wounded and eventually caused his death. The men involved in the events ran away.

The authorities investigated all these events through a thorough interrogation of the villagers, and tried to determine the authorship of the defaming text. For this purpose, various letters were seized from the house of Antonio de Amilleta y Vidarte, and they were used as calligraphic proofs to determine that the author was Diego Vicuña. Manuel de Gaviria and Diego de Vicuña, runaways, were condemned in absentia to be captured, taken to the public jail, exposed to the public scorn mounting mules in mourning, led to the gallows and killed by slitting their throat. In addition, they were condemned to pay 800 and 700 ducats, respectively, to the plaintiffs: Magdalena de Plazaola Peñarreta, wife of the victim, and María Francisca de Zavala, his sister, and 180.000 and 160.000 maravedís to the King. José de Veragua, who was also a runaway, was condemned to be taken to the gallows and hanged, and to pay 600 ducats to the plaintiffs and 140.000 maravedís to the King. Antonio de Amilleta y Vidarte was sentenced to hard labour in a prison in Africa for four years, and to four years of banishment from the town of Vergara. He had to pay 600 ducats to the plaintiffs and 120.000 maravedís to the King. Eventually, Diego Ignacio de Burgos was sentenced to six years of exile and forced to pay 300 ducats for the plaintiffs and 80.000 maravedís to the King.

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Page 213r > 213v

Primo de mi alma el Correo pasado scribi lo que abia por entonces y agora lo mesmo, por aca ai salud tu hermana esta buena del todo Ignacio lo mesmo mi me Zotias y todos lo mesmo mui a tu serbicio: Domingo a la noche que se cuenta 12 de este sucedio que no bino aquella noche y la muger entendiendo bendria el marido tenia la puerta de la calle abierta; y sucedio que a las 11 entro un hombre asta el coarto de ella, y como tubiese cerrada ella la puerta a el aposento llamo el tal, y ella entiendo ser el marido el que llamaba se lebanto en cueros a abrir la Puerta y abierta bolbio a la cama deciendole al ombre a ordia ordu onadec etorteco y el tal sin ablar palabra como se llegase a la cama y luego quiso ajustar el partido y para esto la lebanto la ropa de cama y ella diciendole estidac ez ezer eguingo ordini famearree cergaitic atorren orria i el tal que no se a sabido quien es en este tpo arrimo la espada a los pies de la cama y la dixo ella u noiz ezquero ezpatea neure baliente orreqalva goreco abilidade queiapoezpae baliente irango inzate dho esto y dejada la espada bolbio el tal a la cama bestido aunq desabrochado y ablando entre dientes y agarro con ella y ella todabia entiendo ser su marido le dixo eztec zer ibili zergaiten nai eztrata por ultimo le dixo ella ezquer emai ezauzoriq alborotaceari eze gaur emango ezm an en in abrio las piernas i el que era pusose encima pero no saco todabia el atibaia y mientras se quitaba los botones de la bragueta llebo ella las manos a una manga del tal y bio que eran de seda y sabiendo su marido no gastaba mangas de seda la pobre comenzo a clamar al berdadero dios y a forcejar resistiendose y luego antes que le acomodase el que era acudieron gentes biendo el tal subir gente en la escalera salto de la cama sin acer nada cogio su espada i al bagar la escalera

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