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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1813. Carta de Rosa de Tovar y Piers, condesa viuda de Torrepilares, para Francisco Ramón Larios.

Autor(es) Rosa de Tovar y Piers      
Destinatário(s) Francisco Ramón Larios      
In English

Unsigned letter from Rosa de Tovar y Piers, the widowed Countess of Torrepilares, to Francisco Ramón Larios.

The author instructs Francisco Ramón Larios on how to conduct himself with the inheritance management and asks him to be in charge of certain issue before the Justice. She also laments the difficult times the property is undergoing due to the recent war.

In 1825, the Count of Torrepilares´ tutors made a claim against Francisco Ramón Larios, the former administrator of the rents owned by them in Lebrija. Specifically, they claimed more than one hundred thousand reals due to the mismanagement and the deceptions incurred by the defendant, given that he hid information to his employers. It was not the first time Francisco Ramón Larios faced this kind of claim. His father´s notary´s office had also received a similar claim; and the processes pending before justice at the time had lead to a seizure of the Count´s widow and her heir´s properties. In regards of the current lawsuit, Francisco Ramón Larios did not refuse to pay the debt he had with the Count of Torrepilas, however, he argued that the amount he had to pay was less than the one he was being asked for. To this effect, he provided several documents to support his allegation, amongst which there are certain certificates, accounts of his expenses as an administrator and letters received from different senders. The Real Audiencia, having into account all this information, updated the sum of money that Francisco Ramón Larios had to pay and condemned the Count to bear the litigation costs.

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Page 376r > 376v

Sor dn Franco R Larios Muy sr mio

Por la de U fha 12 del proximo mes pasado veo que ha recivido el poder que le remiti pa que administrase las rentas de Lebrija; y que en vrd de el ha practicado ya diligs judiciales para cobrar los atrasos: veo igualmte que procede U en el principio de el asunto por buenos y verdads caminos para llevarle al fin con felicidad, aunqe no dudo que havra algunos obstaculos, los que confio vencera u a pesar de la Justa de Lebrija, ps la justa con qe lo solicitamos no puede menos de aparecer con claridad.

Me parece muy justo que para evitar las nulidades que puedan ocurrir no dando los pasos con arreglo a la constitucion ponga el asunto en manos o tribunal de Prima Ynstancia por las razones que U me insinua caminando spre bajo solidos principios y sin buscar aparentes razones, pues de ellas se rien los Jueces cuando no quieren hacer justa con el fabor; activando se decida la cuestion del tribunal competente

En verdad que no se me oculta la gravedad de intereses sobre qe versa el asunto ps aunqe dice u que es de 4 a 5M duros, aun es mayor la Cantidad; pues regule u sobre ochos as a 22M rs y pico vera qe asciende a 166M rs y mas por lo qe conozco bien qe aunqe se sacrifique algun dinero, spre

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