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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1779]. Carta de Bartolomeu da Silva e Sousa para o primo Gaspar Francisco de Sousa.

Author(s) Bartolomeu da Silva e Sousa      
Addressee(s) Gaspar Francisco de Sousa      
In English

Family letter from Bartolomeu da Silva e Sousa to his cousin Gaspar Francisco de Sousa.

The author sends a message from the recipient's brother, comments on other matters related to his arrest and release, and shows concern about his reported health problem.

On January 23, 1779, Gaspar Francisco Mexia Galvão de Sousa was made a prisoner in the Tower of São Julião da Barra at the request of his brother, Lourenço Anastácio Mexia Galvão de Sousa. After a few months, also following a request of his brother, the communication between Gaspar and the priest Sebastião Luís da Silveira, his friend and solicitor, was interdicted. When he knew about this impediment, the priest directed a request to the Ministry of the Kingdom so that he could communicate again with Gaspar. The applicant includes in the process a number of documents, including certificates of witnesses who claim that father Sebastião is a person of trust, and also letters that he received from Gaspar and Maria Elena (a sister of the prisoner), and three letters sent to Gaspar by a cousin (Bartolomeu de Sousa Mexia). These documents are intended to prove that all these people consider that it was Lourenço who planned the detention of his brother, so as to take his share of the inheritance. Maria Elena, sister of both, was not a threat to Lourenço's plans to become the sole heir of their parents, since she lived in a convent as a recluse. Gaspar would be freed later that year, going to live at his brother Lourenço.

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Sr Gaspar Franco

Amo e Sr agora q chego de Lxa acho hua carta de seu manno em q me diz escreva a VSa pa q mande Logo hum dos seus vestidos pa Logo por elle se fazer outro, e juntamte a medida da cabeça pa se lhe comprar o chapeu, mais me aviza como hoje não viera a este Bairro a saber dos seus requerimtos, por lhe darem resposta delles em caza, e mais a a casa de L por formais palavras, eu estou consoladicimo em q se conheça a ma ambição e falcide DE me conserve boa tenção e emporta pouco o mais ea

Eu havia remeter a da carta se não contivece alguas couzas q são indespësaveis com ella o por ella como ao canarim por sertos ajustes de contas: Ontem aqui esteve seu mano desde o meio da tarde athe as 10 da noute não contando de novide a seu respeito, mais q o saber das sertidoens q se tem tirado, dizendome q o seu parente Atomazio Mel hera procurador nos

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