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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1789. Carta de Francisco Antonio Gutiérrez para su yerno Juan Bazo.

Autor(es) Francisco Antonio Gutiérrez      
Destinatário(s) Juan Bazo      
In English

Letter from Francisco Antonio Gutiérrez to his son-in-law Juan Bazo.

The author writes to his son-in-law telling him about his intention to travel and meet him in order to solve the marital troubles the addressee is having with his daughter.

In 1777 Juan Bazo and María Gutierrez got married and the problems between them were immediate. Juan Bazo´s erratic and sometimes violent behaviour soon ended the marriage. The husband left the house seven months after the wedding, leaving Maria pregnant from their only daughter. Twelve years later Juan Bazo claimed his daughter´s custody and his wife´s reclusion, whom he accused of indecent and licentious conduct. María answered her husband complaints by exposing the reality she had lived ever since they got married. As she declared in the processes initiated, Juan Bazo had deceived her since the moment they got married. He assured he had financial means to support the family, however, the hardship and inability to fulfil his promise was soon revealed. Therefore, the couple had lived on Antonia de Torres´s money, who was María Gutierrez´s mother. After he left the house, Maria had to work to support her daughter and herself since she did not receive any kind of help from Juan Bazo. In order to do so, she did embroidery work and she also worked in a leather factory in Chiclana. Besides, she gave her daughter an adequate education for a girl, instructing her in the Christian doctrine and in several labours. She insisted in these facts, which she verified with the testimonies from several neighbours, and she defended herself from the accusation of licentious conduct denying she was having a relationship with Juan Miguel Pérez. This particular accusation, which was also denied by the witnesses, was the result of the conspiracy orchestrated by Juan Bazo together with Juan Miguel Pérez and María´s solicitor, Luis Francisco Sotelo. So they tried to damage María Gutiérrez´s honour and attack her economic solvency. María also stated she had never refused to the family reunion: a few months before she had accepted the judge petition, which claimed the conjugal union. She assumed her husband´s care and she provided cloths for him to dress decently. However, fifteen days later he decided to leave again. Juan Bazo´s claims were dismissed due to the proofs and witnesses presented by María, and although it was granted a protective order for the daughter to enter a convent, we do not know if it was effectively done.

Francisco Antonio Gutiérrez´s letter was presented by Juan Bazo and we know it was written from Seville. Likewise, the letter informs of Bazo´s parents-in-law separation and of Francisco Antonio Gutiérrez´s desertion.

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Sor Dn Ju Bazo

Mui sr mio con notizia qe e podido adquirir de un Amigo de esa ciudad, el qe me a significado la dolorosa novedad de la desabenencia qe se esta verificando con Vmd y su esposa qe es mi hija, he tenido a bien manifestarle a Vmd en esta la rresoluzn de pasar a esa pa qe tratemos en algos asumptos concernientes a los debates, qe me consta, se estan ebacuando Judicialmte qe tal vez poniendonos de conformidad lograria Vmd se abiniese mi Hija a lo qe Dios manda, y yo conseguiria lo qe hace tantos años me tiene incommodados

Esto debe entenderse (si Vmd me concede a Correo segdo su permiso, pa por ese medio tener yo la satisfon de conocerle, y poder con libertad tratar en asumptos, qe a Vmd no puede obscurecercele son mui delicados, ya qe hasta haora nra adverza suerte no nos a dexado de perseguir, y no ay razn pa qe los Hombres qe se criaron con alga distinzn omitan el rremediar qto este de su parte, hasta sacrificarse.

Yo quedo de Vmd con grandes ancias de conocerlo, coadyubar a su christiano intento, y ponerme a sus ordenes; y en el interin rogdo a nro sor gue a Vmd ms as

Somos 27 de Dize de 89 B l m de Vmd su segro servor qe su bien desea Franco Anto Gutierrez



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