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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1622. Carta de Francisco Lobo de Castrillo para Francisco Márquez.

Autor(es) Francisco Lobo de Castrillo      
Destinatário(s) Francisco Márquez      
In English

Letter from Francisco Lobo de Castrillo to Francisco Márquez.

The author writes Francisco Márquez in relation to the dowry of their niece, agreeing to pay 200 ducats and to cede half of his house, valued at 400 ducats.

In 1626 a lawsuit was brought between María de Zárate, wife of Francisco Lobo Castrillo and guardian of his daughters Isabel and María, and José de Salcedo y Mendoza, lawyer in the Royal Chancellery in Valladolid and husband of Isabel Márquez de Castrillo. The latter claimed that Francisco Lobo owed him 1900 ducats in double silver from a gift made by Felipe III to Francisco Lobo for the maintenance of his nieces (Isabel Márquez and Isabel de Buitrón), deriving from on the rights of toll tax of the Kingdom of Navarra. However, María de Zárate considered that, although the gift was intended for the maintenance of the nieces, the money belonged to Francisco Lobo and, therefore, the request was not valid. In addition, José de Salcedo demanded the payment of 600 ducats from the dowry of his wife. To test the intentions of Francisco Lobo on the subject, he sent a letter to Francisco Márquez, paternal uncle of Isabel. María de Zárate, however, claimed that the letter was false, and even it had been true, it could not be considered as a real commitment. Eventually, the court ruled in favour of María de Zárate.

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